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Everything posted by Nairon

  1. Hi Everyone, Working on session 5 in LMG this month and decided to submit a song from that session. Chord changes are a challenge at the moment so I had to play the melody slower. Hope you enjoy though. Nairon
  2. That guitar is a thing of beauty. Congrats!
  3. Hey everyone, I recently started session 5 (I thought I'd never complete session 4. lol). I'm enjoying it but I find its challenging playing the chords that are not 6 string chords. For example, the C chord is a five string chord. Its hard to consistently hit five strings and avoid the 6. Any tips on this?
  4. Thanks Wim. Trying to progress past session 4 on the L&M course but this session is a real challenge so far. Very enjoyable though.
  5. Hey Everyone, for this month's challenge, I played Fur Elise from the L&M bonus resource in session 4. I tried to use a strumming pattern in the backing track for most of the song (down, down-up, down) but to be honest, I'm not really sure how to select a "right" strumming pattern for a song yet. Anyway, let me know what you think.
  6. Thanks for the great advice guys. Lots to think about. @Plantsman13 I'll have to go down to the music store and try a few solid tops. See if I get that "Sirens Call".
  7. Hi everyone, I've been looking at some budget acoustic guitars (under 1000) and was wondering what your views were on whether laminate is preferable to solid wood or vice versa within a similar price range. Hopefully I'm not breaking any forum rules by getting specific but as an example, I mean like Fender Newporter Player (Spruce top and Mahogany Back and sides) vs a martin OMC-X1E (Made with high pressure laminate). Nairon
  8. Thanks man. I tried to keep it simple since I'm only in the early days of the L&M course. The Reaper DAW was fairly easy to install and use for the basic things I was trying to do. I'm officially a fan.
  9. Hey everyone, I did a cover of "All I have to do is dream" for this month (session four of the Song Hits). Had a lot of fun doing this song. It was my first time doing a backing track and using a DAW. Hope you enjoy.
  10. Thanks for the info DougH!! If I decide to go with the Scarlett headphones I'll feedback what I think about it too. Nairon
  11. Thanks for the advice and the info. Much appreciated!!
  12. Hey everyone, I've only really recorded myself playing my acoustic guitar using my phone so far so this is really new stuff for me. But I'm thinking about purchasing some basic recording gear. I've heard and read a lot of good reviews about the Scarlett Solo and 2i2 among some other interfaces so I'm considering this to be a good option. I notice that some of the interfaces also come packaged with headphones, microphone, cables etc for an all in one solution. But will a good USB microphone connecting directly to my computer give good results also instead of having to use an interface? If so, what would be the main considerations when choosing a mic? Nairon

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