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Fred B

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Everything posted by Fred B

  1. Purchased a 2000 Taylor 310 in January 2001. It keeps sounding better with age. In 2015 decided to add a Taylor 322CE, but only kept it for 3 years. Missed the full sound of the 310 and found myself playing the 322 only because it was there. Still thinking about adding a small body guitar and looking at the Martin OOO-15M.
  2. I sold my Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb because is was too heavy. Difficult finding a replacement until I played a Fender 65 Princeton Reverb reissue and found it to be a great replacement.
  3. For many years of owning a Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue, I was using it less because it was too much amp for my use. After selling it, the first replacement was a Fender Super Champ x2. Sounded good in the store, but didn't care for the sound after playing it at home for a couple of days. Next, I demoed the Blues Junior and the Princeton 65 Reverb Reissue. Purchased the Princeton which reminded me of a scaled down version of the 65 Deluxe Reverb. The only downside, which wasn't a deal breaker, but Fender advertises the amp as 12 watts on their website. The info card on the amp when it was delivered listed it as 15 watts. Sent an email to customer service at Fender for clarification and was informed the Princeton is 15 watts and the info about 12 watts is incorrect. Kind of surprising that nobody at Fender would have noticed that mistake.

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