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Everything posted by rockinrickard

  1. Thank you so much, Mandy and thank you for taking care of this challenge so well.
  2. Thanks William, I'm not sure if I've heard Dave Fenley or not, I'll have to look him up; I did hear a version that was awesome a week or two ago, I'm not sure if that was him or not.
  3. "I had to figure out my own arrangement in the end". Man that was beautiful! Very nice arrangement.
  4. Great job! I loved it and I agree with Gotto, your voice fit the song purrrrfectly!
  5. Sorry this is so late. I didn't think there was a recording challenge this month because I kept looking at the top of the page and it was showing last month's challenge, but today I stumbled upon this month's. It very poor quality, my phone bit the dust so I'm just using the camera and mic from my computer.
  6. Thank you Flawless😉, I learned the turnaround from Harmony Central's Jazz Lick of the day, several years ago, It may have been a Barney Kessel lick, I'm not sure. Thanks so much for the kind words and by all means tell everyone that I said you should change your name to Flawless.
  7. I don't play Jazz, but several years ago I learned this Jazz turnaround and added some chords to it. Sorry, I don't know any standards. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19VYW1FM6IRV6DgEGyiaP9EPHC3JbEQIQ/view?usp=sharing
  8. Thank you "Nutty "1, I appreciate your kind words. I'm going to try to be more involved with this wonderful group in the future.
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wAgdKldoZoXoEIXuigymdfd-OTRTubwy/view?usp=sharing Hopefully this works. I was trying to upload this file two days ago, but ran into quite some technical difficulties. May 28th would have been my dad's 89th birthday if he was still alive. I originally wrote this song for my mom, but it works just as well for my dad also.
  10. How do I upload an mp3 for the CD?

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