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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2021 in Posts

  1. I was, as many of you recall, trying to decide between the Martin 000-EC and the less expensive Martin 000-15M. Actually, as you also may recall I ended up going with the Martin M-36, which I am enjoying immensely. But I had that nagging, "what if?" . By going with the M-36 I saved significantly from what I would have spent on the Clapton. What else could a guy do? What is the only logical thing to do with those savings?!?!?!? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜† Today, I picked up the little 000 Martin Mahogany. I have only played it a little since getting it home. But with it forecast to hit 104 today I am going to be spending this afternoon in the house. But thus far I can tell you it is an entirely different sound than the M-36. A lot fuller, robust lows probably due to the mahogany. And so playable and the 000 size is really comfortable to me. It is going to be another great, acoustic blues instrument, like the M-36, but, again, different. I'm thinking, In the very near future, of starting to try some acoustic slide. So I suspect one of these will be dedicated to that and probably tuned to a different tuning. After some time with them I'll decide which. And, again, forgive the horrible photo. I'm getting it out of its case!
    1 point
  2. Henk @Oldjock won the May Recording Challenge and could pick the subject for this month. He suggested to keep the format of Open Mic the same for June. So any song which you know or are practicing can be submitted. Looking forward to your renditions, Wim. 1. Wim playing "House of the rising sun": 2. @Nairon playing "Morning has broken":
    1 point
  3. That was great @Wim VD1 your new guitar sounds really sweet and I love the way that you made the song build up. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    1 point
  4. I don't have a mahogany guitar but I do have a mahogany ukelele bass which produces a lovely full tone. I wholly agree and approve of mahogany instruments.
    1 point
  5. This one is based on a Tommy Emmanual Travis picking lesson on TrueFire. I brought back in a bit of The Animals for the intro and tried to make my guitar sound like a mandolin in the end . It"s the first recording with my new Fender Paramount PM-2 Parlor Mahogany. It"s a nice small short scale fingerpicker with the neck joint at the 12th fret. Great guitar for fingerstyle blues. Wim.
    1 point

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