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Everything posted by Kyran

  1. you can get little soft plastic things to go on your fingers if playing to long hurts my manager bought some on ebay and you can still play the guitar ...... well he is just starting lol just type 4 Silicone Guitar Guard Finger Picks Protector into ebay search when I started learning i was in the navy and i dipped my fingers in bacardi no joke it works, drank a lot of it too but no good if you've cut the finger that would smart
  2. hold the string at first fret and last fret and see if there is a gap . gap is not good if more than a mm look down the fretboard from the body and see if it is straight at the 12 fret there ought to be no more than the thickness of a dime ( 5p if english) between the fret and the string tiny bit more if you hit the strings hard
  3. I use the 60 for strumming and the 73 if i'm forced to play lead
  4. I've been using ernie ball 10's on the gretsch and they work very well my buddies are always saying, what did you play then? that sounded great. just thinking i tried 9's on the gretsch and i needed to reset it but they were not as good as the 10's so i had to set it up again when i swapped back kyran

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