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Posts posted by K9kaos

  1. What a wonderful story Maria!! 

    Congrats on your new guitar!! 

    The Martin Guitar Factory is a great place!! We took the tour back in 2010 when Adele and I were 'road- tripping' to the Gathering. Fantastic tour, and although I already have a Martin (the Custom x series - it is a wonderful instrument!)  it was so tempting to add a guitar! :) 

    Enjoy!!! And Happy Thanksgiving!! :)




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  2. On 11/19/2019 at 5:11 AM, gotto said:

    Like Fretless, I too use an iPad, OnSong and the Airturn 4 pad unit for group practice and performance play. The OnSong is a bargain in my opinion and all of my band members also use it so that we can all easily exchange song charts with each other. Very convenient as we build sets and add songs. Also there are so many features such as transposing keys quickly, modifying charts , highlighting and scrolling, creating your own charts, night lighting etc. I have had the app for years and updates and added features are always free.

    Best app I have ever purchased.


    I have the OnSong app but I have not played around with it much... I can see from the recommendations here that I really should take a closer look!  :)

  3. Welcome zeve! Excellent advice already given by both Diane B and Doug! 

    Take it slow, and it will come.  Don't worry about getting the chords to sound perfectly right now. It may take some time to get all the strings to ring clearly. Just practice forming each chord a few minutes at the beginning and/or end of your practice session. Soon you will hear it sounding better and better! Don't let the chord part hold you back though. For the first few sessions, the single notes are what the most emphasis should be on - once you are comfortable with those, then move on.

    Again, welcome to the course and to the forum! Please let us know how its going!! :)



  4. Welcome back Maria!! It is wonderful that you got to spend time with your Dad the past few years. 

    Now that your hand is healed up, take care not to over exert! I haven't had much time to play my dulcimer between work, guitar, bass, and banjo, but I will get back to it! 

    I've gotten sidetracked from the L&M course myself and need to get back to it. I'll probably backtrack a few sessions to 12 or 13 and review.  

    Glad to see you back!! :)

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Triple-o said:

    I signed up for some lessons that nutty 1 recommended and the teacher demonstrated about 10 different types, but none were double sided.

    This is what it looks like....  the far side is a mirror image. I doubt that it's really playable even though it does sound different notes. Might just be a 'cool to keep' thing. But I do have an inexpensive Hohner Bluesband in C. I think I'll check out some of those lessons!

    Screen Shot 2019-11-04 at 10.42.48 AM.png

  6. I've always wanted to learn how to play harmonica.  I have very vague memories of my grandpa playing harmonica, and I have the ones he played. 

    One is very interesting because it is double sided... still trying to figure it out.  One side is marked as G, the other as C.  I wonder sometimes if it would even be in tune anymore.... ?   Do they get too old to play?  

    Now I will need to search this out as my curiosity often gets the best of me (keeping me up till the wee hours investigating random things on the internet, lol)! :) 




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  7. Hi Doug!

    We are a Mac family so I have the iPad pro - big enough for me to actually see it on the music stand easily. It is roughly the size of a standard piece of paper. The actual viewable screen size is like 8x10.5 i think.  I have tons of music saved on it and since they are pdf files, they don't take up a lot of memory storage space (I may go for the bigger memory next time if I upgrade - I use my ipad for a lot since I don't have a laptop).

    The sheet music program I've used for a few years is ForScore. It allows me to make set lists, and seems pretty versatile. I'm probably only scratching the surface with how I use it, lol! I wish I could remember if it was free, but I'm sure if I did pay for it it couldn't have been too much - I like to save my money for guitars, lol!😂

    I also have the Airturn BT-105 bluetooth pedal to turn pages and that works great for me. I really like using that - if I need to actually turn a page manually (on paper or on the iPad) it still throws off my timing and I feel awkward. 


  8. I have not had time to watch the whole thing yet, but I too, have it recorded on my DVR. I was impressed by the short section I did get to watch though!  

    Hoping this coming weekend to get some free time! 

    So glad you posted this and I got it recorded though! I would surely have missed that! :)


    • Like 2
  9. So glad to hear you have your studio back! I hope if there is more work to be done, it gets done quickly!

    I know it can be rough getting everything straightened out!

    Now that you have your music back it must feel wonderful!!! :) 


    • Like 1
  10. Hi S Bach,

    I found the Dm7 to be a bit awkward at first too. Mostly I found I was muting the B string if I wasn't very careful.

    I found it easier when I made sure my wrist was kept low, and for some reason, it it easier if I angle my index finger a bit. 

    Everyone's a bit different... play around with it and see if there are little adjustments you can make to get it to ring clear more consistently. Sometimes its just a matter of practice and trial and error.  You'll get it! 

    • Thanks 1
  11. Thanks John!  I had visited that website in the past, but completely forgot about it! 

    It is amazing how much that really helps, just doing a few minutes a day.

    Getting the note recognition down takes one piece out of the learning puzzle! 


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  12. I hope I can actually get there... just got a flight cancellation notice from American Airlines.  This is terrible. I don't even have time to drive there now, I wouldn't get there until late wednesday. Hoping and trying to get re-booked on another flight.... 

    Update!!! Yay! I got re-booked on another flight! I will be spending 5 hours on a layover at the Dallas Airport, but at least I should be able to get to Nashville tomorrow!! :)  



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  13. All great advice above! 

    What works for me when I get 'stuck' on a song or an exercise, is to slow it down - way, way, way, down. 

    Then It seems I find the places that are an issue. It may be a measure here, or a measure there, that are just stressing my brain and fingers just enough to affect the performance. 

    If I find any spots like that I isolate them and practice them very slowly, concentrating on the actual mechanics of my fingers and the pick getting where they need to go.  

    Once I have ruled out trouble spots, gradually increasing the speed of the metronome seems to do the trick. Once I get to a speed where I'm starting to make mistakes or it doesn't feel fluid, I go back to the last one that was great. I never leave it at the mistake. I go back and play a few bpm slower and play it well to solidify that in my brain and muscle memory. 

    Adding in recording is a whole different challenge! Seems like as soon as the 'record' button is hit things go crazy! But it does let you really hear where some of the challenging spots are, things you really don't hear when you are playing! Its really good to get used to this early on! :) 

    Session 4 is a challenging session, so take your time! You are doing very well at only a few weeks in and already up to the faster jam-along tracks! :) 



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