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Everything posted by jasn

  1. Steve's lessons on arpeggios have been great, of course! To make my practicing easier I copied Steve's 6th and 5th string forms into a one page summary. I've uploaded a pdf copy, found as a download below. Note that I've also highlighted the first three notes in various colors to better see them for practice and also show the common forms between the 5th & 6th strings. ~jasn [EDIT2] More minor tweaks to the original Arpeggios Maj & min Forms Summary-Rev3.pdf
  2. Happy Thanksgiving all. Long time no posting for me, but nonetheless I am really enjoying my time spent on Steve's excellent lessons on arpeggios. Thank you Steve for these. I think the "descending" tabs for the 4 note arpeggio forms on page 15 are incorrectly duplicating the ascending forms? I can read the lines backwards ;), but just wanting to be sure I'm not missing something. This allows me to raise the question to ask if others are reading the tabs or the scales? I'm using the tabs, quite obviously, but wondering if I should instead be adding reading sheet music to my quest? That would slow me down immensely! Thx! ~jasn
  3. Thanks for this Diane. I've been shuffling back and forth between the Major and minor shape pages (not yet working on the 7ths), so took a little time to create two Summary pages; one for the three sets of shapes for strings 1-3 and the other for strings 2-4. I've attached the two pages as a stand alone doc and also appended to Diane's Triads Book for completeness.Triads Book(M-m-7) w_string summary pages.pdf Triads - Summary pages.pdf

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