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About Dig

  • Birthday 03/19/1957

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    Gulf Coast Texas

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  1. Plantsman13, I agree which is why I posited the argument as a question.
    This is great! Thank you so much. There are so many interesting approaches to learning arpeggios. Prior to this I was using Robbie Barnby's "Full Arpeggio Workout" (You Tube) and it helped me but I was focused on shapes and could not tell you the notes. Your approach resolves that. I love it.
  2. It is funny how we were impressed back in the day. For me it was John Kay sitting down on the edge of the stage and pulling feed back out of his Marshall stack as an entry into "The Pusher".
  3. This is good. I don't care who you are.
  4. Recently I finally got rid of my boat anchor Les Paul for a Schecter Diamond Series Blackjack hardtail T style with Seymore Duncan HB pickups that kicked that LP in the dirt, but no ashtray. Are you ashtray Tele freaks brain damaged or is it me? I have built over 300 S style guitars and and only one absolutely esthetically beautiful ashtray tele for a country/western whiz kid. When I started that project I went thru 4 different sets of pickups to scrub that BS micro phonic crap off that ashtray. I finally gave up and set the neck with a lipstick and the bridge with a mini HB and split coil. I swore him to never telling anyone where it came from. He loves it. I hate it. How you can be a dedicated guitar player and love telecasters I will never understand. IMHO.

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