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Posts posted by colder

  1. Great first post, Diane! I am so bummed that I couldn't attend this year... I am in a wedding in another part of the country and I can't project myself there holographically yet so I wasn't able to come to the Retreat. I am already signed up for the summer Gathering next year though, and I can't wait to see everyone again. Good luck with your performance, I will look for the video!

    • Like 1
  2. So sorry to hear this, Old Guy. Lots of people have had trouble with flooding this year, in my area because we had such a harsh winter with heavy snow, in the spring many people's homes flooded. Now the wet year is continuing with tons of rain. Hope that you're up and running again as soon as you can be. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/30/2019 at 6:56 PM, Dave White said:

    Your wife is too suspicious 🙂

    The science is settled!

    Hah! Actually, I just got a great new one for my birthday, and it was almost entirely her idea!


    Yes, I know how lucky I am! 

    • Like 2
  4. Finally made it back to Minneapolis. So great to have been to another Gathering! In some ways it's like a wedding, you see everyone you want to see there and you only have a little time to talk to all these people you want to spend several days getting to know better! Time is always short, but for good reasons - because so much awesome stuff was going on. 

    Thanks to Steve and Paulette, and to all of you as well for making things great!

    • Like 5
  5. Wow! I’m feeling that Guitar Gathering feeling... a combination of buzz from all the fun we are having, that feeling of a brain that’s still got a large backlog of guitar things to process with lots more still to come, and feeling like you want to rush home/back to the dorms/back to your room to practice more!

    A binder full of handouts to work on, a notebook full of pearls of wisdom notated in teaching sessions, a perfectly set up guitar, and more plans to do it all again tomorrow. We have a tour of Columbia Studio A? B? in the morning and a full afternoon of Gathering goodness, then for some Jack Pearson’s birthday bash in the evening at 3rd and Lindsley at night. 

    What are the highlights so far? All of it, I guess...?? Hah! 

    Ok, back to those handouts!

    • Like 3
  6. Update: looks like it opens at 7:00 AM during the week, 7:30 Saturdays. It’s called Nineteen|01, a Coffeehouse & Market, in the Bud Robinson building which I think is right next to the dorms.


    ***Correction - it opens at 8:00 during summer hours. Patiently awaiting my caffeine now! 😬***


  7. So nice of you early arrivers to help with setup! I was just breezing into Nashville at about 5:00 thanks to some epic traffic jams, so I didn’t have time to get over to Trevecca.

    Bright and early tomorrow though, and looking forward to Collin’s workshop! I’ll probably go to the coffee shop on campus in the morning if I can get out the door fast enough. (Anybody know when they open?) oh well... if I’m too early you might find me parked under a tree waking up my guitar.

    Here’s to a great week!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. I recently stumbled upon the music and teaching resources of Ted Greene. If you are interested in Jazz, he's worth a look. Ted is no longer with us, but he recorded a superb album called "Solo Guitar" that I really enjoy, and I think his books on chord chemistry and soloing are regarded as classics, and very deep learning material as well. 

    • Like 1
  9. Mustafa, I'm sorry to hear about your difficult situation. I cannot imagine how much sadness there must be around those things. 

    Guitar is like therapy for many of us. We use it as a way to get our emotions out and to deal with pain and sadness, as well as happiness and good times in life.

    You could see learning the guitar as a way to help yourself, and a way to honor those people whom you have lost - they are your motivation to become a good player. You can then use music to spread happiness to all those around you. Everyone will stop and listen to the guitar or suggest songs you can learn and they can sing along - or you can write your own. 

    I encourage you to continue playing and to become the best player you can! Many great artists have seen bad things happen in life, but they used this as fuel to make them great. 

    Please continue coming back here and updating us on your progress!

    • Like 2
  10. On 6/3/2019 at 5:40 PM, Sonicfreq said:

    Steve took care of it and let me know what to do. Now, what about staying in the Dorm, what will we need to bring?

    Pillow, sheets, blanket, towels?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Eric,

    The dorms are a basic college dorm room. They had some bed sheets and a blanket and pillow, but if you are particular about bedding I'd say bring your own. Same with towel, they provided a couple but you might consider packing one. You would need to bring your own cosmetics, soaps, toiletries, etc. 

    Two rooms share a bathroom and a shower, although there is a sink and mirror in each room - typical dorm setup. The rooms have a bed, a dresser, a desk and a chair. There's wifi in the building that works well. 

    For breakfast there's a coffee shop on campus that has pastries and such, but I don't remember the hours - might want to check into it. (it's a short walk). For lunch, pretty much everyone walked over to the student union. It was an all you can eat cafeteria situation and the food was decent and inexpensive. For dinner you are on your own, although several of us walked down to Subway at the edge of campus a few times. (There's nothing else really in walking distance for dinner options. I went with a group of people to Gruhn's one night and ate on the way, another night we went to Hattie B's for chicken, etc. I think that's what most people did each night, get dinner with some folks from the conference)

    Hope that helps!

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Eracer_Team-DougH said:

    Always  Backaxe... I've got one



    Whoa, that's a cool invention! Never seen one of those!

    Honestly, to any Gathering folk reading this, I think you're going to be fine no matter what. I think I saw 90+% of people last year with acoustics, but I can't imagine I'd enjoy the conference any less with an electric. I wouldn't fret about it too much. (hah)

  12. I don't think I can improve on Diane's summary at all, as far as what to bring! The main thing you want to bring is a guitar stand. 

    I think I'm going to bring an electric this year. I have a small amp that runs on batteries that might fit in my gig bag, and I think being able to wear the bag around like a backpack will be nice, instead of needing to carry an acoustic in a hardshell case around from place to place. I'll report back on how well it does or doesn't go. 

    • Like 2
  13. Hi @Greg Voros,

    I came across a used '52 reissue Telecaster at a good price so I picked it up. I like the guitar but I notice that I'm not able to get the action on the 1st or 6th string as low as I'd like - it has the old style brass saddles and the saddles are already adjusted as low as they can go. I think this means the neck might need a shim, does that sound correct to you? Would you recommend using some of the pre-made wooden ones that are available online? 

    Also, does it seem unusual that a guitar that is about 7-8 years old might need one? What causes a guitar over time to develop this condition, and is it anything to worry about? 

    Thank you! 

  14. Last fall at the Fingerstyle retreat, a number of folks went to Artisan Guitars and they spoke very highly of the place. Never been there myself but they seemed to have had a great time. Gruhn's goes without saying, it's a must visit if you've never been there. It was wonderful last year when we got the upstairs tour, if that happens again this year it's well worth going.  

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Guitar Gathering is a community of guitar lovers of all types and skill levels.  This is a place of learning, support and encouragement.  We are unapologetically positive.

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