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Everything posted by Cindy

  1. Hey, personalized picks for bands and businesses! What a novel idea. Hmm...Guitar Gathering picks, @Steve Krenz?
  2. Thank you all for the explanation! I appreciate the information as I haven't ever seen any Blue Chip picks in person.
  3. Since I'm not familiar with Blue Chip picks, I'm trying to understand the differences between them. Their web site doesn't give a summary of the benefits of each one. So are they all made out of the same material? My question here is directed at anyone...for example, is a 50 in one pick the same thickness and material as a 50 in a different style, and are the only differences between them the shape? Or am I missing the product info for each style somehow?
  4. I am intrigued by these picks and will see if one of our music stores have any in stock. Thanks for the info, Dave!
  5. Is that your glass-topped desk? If so, I'm curious as to what it looks like. How do the Blue Chip compare to the Ultex? I used to have an Ultex but needed something with more grip.
  6. I had a few Jim Dunlop picks--I never knew about the colors being related to their weights! This is good to know. Thanks.
  7. I've heard about the Blue Chip picks. They are very pricey but certainly have lots of fans. How would you say they compare to the plastic, cellulose, or nylon type of traditional picks?
  8. There are so many types and styles of guitar picks out there that I'm curious to hear what people prefer. Personally I like Cool Picks. They have a rubber, somewhat grippy area to hold and have a nice sound on the strings. For me, the grip is very important. I need something that won't slip out of my hand. They make a couple I prefer. One is the CoolCell pick. This one has raised rubber nubs for gripping. And the other is the Cool Stealth pick. This pick has a very fine rubber texture to the grip (unlike the one above which has the raised rubber nubs). What brands/types of picks do you like? What features are important for the style of playing you do? Do you use different picks depending upon the style you play, or do you gravitate to one particular type of pick?
  9. Mike, I received your submission. Thanks! I sent an email confirmation, too.
  10. This is interesting Popeye. Sounds like Taylor will replace the battery compartment with one that contains a smart sensor.
  11. Lol--and you have about 3 months to make it Pretty Decent!
  12. It will be interesting to hear your impressions of it, Neil! Please be sure to tag me when you write a response. I don't want to miss it. The combination is so unusual; however, they wouldn't make this combo if people didn't buy them.
  13. The plain cedar top complements the radical contemporary style of the design which is terrific! But have you played one? Looking at the specs, a cedar top (which is warmer than a sitka spruce top and softer than spruce) paired with maple (which is very bright). I'm kind of puzzled with how it would sound. Usually cedar is paired with either mahogany or rosewood. If you've heard one, can you please describe its overall tone?
  14. You have almost 3 months to come up with something. Maybe a song will move you. And for the newer members, it doesn't even have to be a song. It can be one of the exercises in the workbooks.
  15. Feel free to email them to me whenever you are ready. I haven't received anything yet. None of the songs will be uploaded to Soundcloud until Steve receives the CD though. That way he gets the first chance to hear them (well...first after me)! Lol. Thanks for your interest!
  16. Neil, I had to do a double-take on the Multiac Nylon style. Sure looks more like an electric! By the way, both of these links are displaying the same page. Can you edit the second link to show the one you are interested in? I'd like to see what it is. Thanks!
  17. I've always burned them as MP3's to the disc. Mick was the one who initially burned the CD's, and he always did it that way. Plus they get uploaded to Soundcloud where they will be linked to the forum.
  18. To celebrate our new home, if anyone is interested in submitting a song (or more than one) that will be recorded onto a disc, please consider joining in. The disc will be sent to Steve to commemorate this fantastic Guitar Gathering Forum. For those who are new GG members, here is a link to the old forum with previously submitted songs. This should give you an idea of what we've been doing: https://community.learnandmaster.com/index.php?/topic/35101-songs-from-2016-birthday-cd/ No one needs to play perfectly. This isn't a contest. It's simply a way for us to give back to Steve for what he's been doing. Since there are bots that search online for email addresses, I am going to write out the address this way. Be sure to write it correctly when submitting your songs. Please email MP3's (not wav or other formats) to: Gathering mp3 at comcast dot net Thanks for any consideration! And @Steve Krenz please feel free to submit your own recording. No reason why Steve shouldn't get to join in on the fun! EDIT: The cutoff date for submissions is Saturday, April 21, 2018. Here in the USA, our income tax day is April 15th, so the submission date is after that in hopes of getting as much participation as possible.
  19. Ron, I sincerely hope you will update this from time to time. Personally I find this thread to be one of the most fascinating on the forum for two reasons. I have my own heartwarming memories of wonderful times shared with my grandparents (who sadly have been gone for many, many years). So from both your perspective as a grandparent and from her perspective as a grandchild, you will wind up with some amazing cherished memories to look back upon. Secondly it was pointed out on the last forum about the benefits music has on the brain. Supposedly there is a 5% increase in the cerebellum due to learning music which translates to a higher IQ. Looking forward to hearing about your musical adventures with your granddaughter!
  20. We used to have a member named Stargazer55 who owned a Yamaha nylon string guitar. Sadly he (Tom) passed, but he said many times how much he enjoyed playing it. The nice thing is many nylon string guitars tend to be a little smaller which makes them easier to hold--and possibly may allow them to be grabbed for a quickie session because of their comfortable size. I really don't think you'd go wrong with one providing it was properly set up. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  21. Mike, I find the idea of bluetooth notifications to be quite novel but am not sure about the Planet Waves one. Have you ever tried the Boveda Smart Sensor or know anyone who uses it? I really like their humidity packs and would consider staying with that brand. https://bovedainc.com/new-boveda-smart-sensor/?keyword_session_id=vt~adwords|kt~%2Bhygrometer|mt~b|ta~240241256623&_vsrefdom=wordstream&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4dqxo4bp2AIV0brACh2RygH_EAAYASAAEgJKo_D_BwE And here's more info on their bluetooth app: https://bovedainc.com/app/
  22. She looks so sweet...and the guitar fits here so well! What a great way to spend quality time together, too.
  23. Oh my gosh! You jogged my memory! When I initially read the first post, I completely forgot about Capo's Rule of Seven (Capo was an active member of LMG many years ago). I found the PDF on Mike's site which I uploaded almost 9 years ago! Major brain freeze here because I totally forgot about it! It really helps with learning the key signatures but should also help people construct scales once they learn the keys with up to 3 sharps and 3 flats. The rest is very easy. Capo's Rule of Seven.pdf

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