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Rudolf Prinsloo

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Everything posted by Rudolf Prinsloo

  1. Came across a guy named Josh Snodgrass on Youtube, he is a Gospel fingerstyle guitarist. What an inspiration and amazing guitarist.
  2. The problem I have with barre chords is moving from a barre to an open chord, especially after practicing barre chords and my hand is a bit tired. I try to practice the songs in the book by using barre and open chords, but when moving from a barre chord its almost as if my hand is somehow "stuck" in the barre chord position and I struggle to get my fingers to quickly move into an open chord position, like from A barre to an open G or D. I know with a lot of practice it will become better.
  3. I have had the same problem, with my fingers being far from the strings when doing these exercises. But after two weeks of constant practicing and really concentrating on keeping my fingers close to the strings, especially on a slower BPM, it is much better now. I am now busy with the intermediate level, and the only problem is the chromatic scale at this stage. All the other exercises I can do at 120bpm with eight notes. I can go at about 90bpm with eight notes on the chromatic scale, pretty soon I wil hit the 120 mark?

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