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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2024 in all areas

  1. It's interesting where one gets inspiration from. honestly I wasn't impacted by the cancer news of Kate (or any of the Royal's) which appears you have. You think I would since I'm Canadian and we have more ties to England than south of the border. I was walking the dog the other day and as I crossed over the bridge like I've done a billion times in the 33 yrs I've lived here, the spring run-off has swollen the little creek to a river now 10 ft deep. As I walked home (yes I still had the dog with me) the lyrics for "I'm Just a Small Fish in a Deep River" came to me. wrote it down once I arrived home. Yes it's going to be a 'standard' 12 bar blues, call'n'response. Just need some time to pick a key and play it. What kind of chords and rhythm progression did you use?
    1 point

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