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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2021 in Posts

  1. @Fretless very definitely I find myself playing one more. But before answering that I can tell you that since getting them I have played almost nothing but acoustic. I'm an electric guy; always have been. After finally unboxing after the move in the new house, I picked up an electric for the first time about a week ago. Of course part of that is the new guitar smell. But it's more than that. I have just really enjoyed the acoustic more than ever since starting to learn. I don't know why that is. I had an acoustic before. But since getting these I have developed an appreciation for acoustic that was absent before. That has to be a good thing. To answer your question I really enjoy the M-36. I enjoy them both, of course. But given a situation I had to choose one, it would be that one. And, again, I don't know why that is. It is nothing more tangible than feel. Don't misunderstand, I really enjoy the M15. If it was all I had I would feel so very fortunate. It has such great tone. And the difference is so slight and just "feel". But you asked which.
    1 point
  2. More so with acoustics than electrics it is important to go and try these guitars before you buy because wood varies depending on the particular tree it came from and what weather that tree has had through its life. A few years ago I wanted to buy a guitar as a gift for a great children's worker I worked with one summer. His faithful old guitar was a mess. I went to my local guitar shop and headed straight for the Yamaha and Fender acoustics. I was a bit surprised that the sound was okay but not seductive and they weren't finished or set up as I would have hoped. I started trying some others in the shop and I stumbled on a pretty unknown brand (Klema) and it was like velvet in my hands, so nicely made, so easy to play and the sound was beautiful. That was 400 euros, not a lot short of USD$500. I am not suggesting you hunt down a Klema but go into a shop with a good selection of electro-acoustic guitars and be prepared to find which guitar feels and sounds perfect for you. And don't forget to let us all know what you get!
    1 point

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