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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2018 in all areas

  1. My desire is to make some sorta of sense from this post. I'm 75 years old and have been playing about 21/2 years using the L&M course. At present I'm about 2/3 the way through session 9, and must say I really enjoy the guitar. I really enjoy music but it certainly does not come easily. What I lack in ability is made up in commitment, my practice is from 1 to 1/12 hours 7 days a week. Yes I should be further along from where I'm at presently. Two of my old buddies and their wives whom once lived close but now are separated by many miles plan a reunion this summer. Both my buddies and myself play guitar and it has been suggested we jam together at our reunion. My two friends have played for years mainly gospel and spiritual music. They play with cords only over the lyrics. I believe I can play most of the cords but have never played without structured music. Without music's bpm, measures etc I'm lost. I'm disappointed that I probably won't be able to jam with my old buddies. Seems after my friends played about a year, they were able to play cords over lyrics to some familiar gospel music with ease. Knowing the L&M course eventually will take me much further along than playing cords over lyrics, disappointed for now. Also I don't sing, making things more difficult.
    1 point
  2. I appreciate the suggestions and support from everyone. Though I use jam along tracks it is a weak area for me. After I complete session 9, will take some time to just do jam along tracks before moving on to session10. John Certainly you have been a great model for me. Every time I think my hurdles are age related I remind myself, "but look at John he did it". Will always remember the 3 p's you have often suggested.
    1 point
  3. Using a metronome would be great practice, but the jam along tracks (as well as any other backing tracks you can find online) would be a great way to simulate things. When you’re among friends, everyone wants you to succeed. Keep it simple and I bet you’ll be fine. It’s better to underplay than overplay ?
    1 point
  4. Hi there, young Deuce. I'm 86 and I jam with the best guitarist in this business. And you want to know why that is? It's Steve. That's why his course includes "The Jam Along" CDs. So, here's my suggestion. From today until the reunion, practice 30 minutes each day with Steve on your Jam Alongs. And remember, this reunion is among friends. Lotsa luck.
    1 point
  5. Thanks Jerry and Diane for your encouragement. In my inexperience I thought you had to play all the music or none. Though we will only be together for a couple days and probably only play for a couple hours, I will savor the moment. Remember years ago watching these friends play and wishing I could play also. After all these years maybe it really will happen!!!
    1 point
  6. Hi, Deuce, Jerry is right. Play guitar with your pals. Dive in. There’s no competition. Play what you can, sit back where you must, but go for it. Sing some background lines or responses until you gain more confidence in your voice. Please be wary of thoughts like: “Yes I should be further along from where I'm at presently.” How do you know that? How do you know you’re not better than you "should" be? Banish that word “should” from your thinking; it’s the food of disappointment. Practice. Play. Enjoy your friends. Savor it all. PS / Three or more notes played at the same time is a chord.
    1 point
  7. You can do it even if you strum once for every chord change. then add a few more. just get that foot tapping. good luck . Ps And have fun!!
    1 point

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