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IOM Sammy

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Everything posted by IOM Sammy

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies, it is a great testament to what this guitar community should and has become!
  2. Ok got it! Thanks very much for your help, I've spent all morning worrying and you have put my mind to rest!
  3. Ok got it, I'll sort out the E string now. But it does seem that the pin isn't grabbing the ball on the B string when it is in the slot. The ball just keeps twisting. Any ideas?
  4. Also if you look at the winding on the B string it looks much higher than the others, I've pulled it and everything to make sure it is tight.
  5. Thank you for replying so quickly because I'm going nuts here! in this video: Randy says to put the same pins in the same hole? why is that?
  6. Hey guys I'm back and I need your help! I'm cleaning my guitar and noticed there is quite a lot of wear specifically on the B string bridge pin slot. I think I might have mixed the pins around by accident the first time around. How do I tell which bridge pin goes in what slot and could this be the issue?
  7. Thanks Neil, this was very helpful and much appreciated as I am relatively inexperienced in the guitar care field. Take care!
  8. Hey Greg! I have finally got my first acoustic guitar (a d-18) and I use elixir phosphor bronze strings on it. They just don't tire... at all! So I was wondering, I put these strings on at the start of January and play a lot, I can see all the sweat residue building up on the fingerboard and was wondering whether it needs cleaning or is it okay to leave it like that considering my strings are only dirty but hold pitch fine? Also, how often do you think I should be replacing these strings if at all? Thanks very much, Sam

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