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Posts posted by BobatSV

  1. Guitar care, in general, depends on your guitar, frequency of play, how you play, and where you play.  Yep, it's a little different for everybody.  My acoustic has an ebony fretboard, and here is one source of information:


    I normally average about an hour-a-day practice, and have decided that 100-hr string changes (about every three months) works for me because I have been experimenting with different strings and they all sound better (albeit different) and brighter when changed. With each string change there is always obvious cleaning that needs to be done, mostly by the bridge and around the frets.  So what do I do and why do I do it.

    First I live in Arizona...it's dry.  My guitar uses a sound hole humidifier that may or may not keep the fretboard at the 45% rh I try to maintain. And many times my guitar is out of its case for several hours. My choice has come down to using a slightly damp microfiber cloth or Dr. Green's (which I still have) to clean up the neck and the bridge.  I will always avoid silicone and waxes so as not to "over love" my fretboard.

    In the end what it really comes down to is that if I ever discovered my fretboard to be cracked or chipped from dryness I would be very distraught.  Why take the chance?

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  2. Greg -

    My audiogram drops off a cliff between 3kHz and 8kHz, so I now have hearing aids...and my guitar sounds different.  Lots of bad habits in my youth and 3 yrs in the engine room of a submarine did not help.  Most industries now require hearing protection around 80 to 85 dB and OSHA requirements start at and above 90 dB.  Here is a link to a common noise chart:


    Rock and roll band at 110dB.  There you go.


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