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  1. Many thanks to all of you for your words. I will continue to work on it as I feel I am getting closer. But for now, it is alternate fingering and moving on.
  2. Thanks for getting back. My 3rd finger (ring) is playing the bass E but it mutes the bass A that my 2nd finger (middle) is on. Just cannot seem to get it curved around and play the 4th finger (pinky) on the high E.
  3. So sitting in Session 5 for 2 months because I am a stubborn bluegrass wannabe and want that G Chord with the 2, 3, 4 fingering. The problem is that my 3rd finger mutes the A string. I swear I have tried everything but hang upside down to get this. I now can do 1-2-3 and 1-2-4 fingering. I know the answer is move on it will come, but any successful ideas anyone has would be appreciated.

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