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Posts posted by columbo

  1. Welcome OZY.. oh yes here a long time. Steve is the real deal. How do I know, while visiting Nashville area for a weekend , we stopped in a music store just outside of Nashville, I think it was Franklin. We just happened to park down a street with a small music shop that looked like a converted home. As I was buying a music book for my new Congas, I began to tell the clerk in the store about my music journey and using Steve's system and how great it was. She smiled and told us Steve had worked at her other store as a music teacher.  She had nothing but high praises for him. Yes Steve is real and has shown his students answering questions when he can along with his live lessons. 

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  2. welcome and merry Christmas.. you will get all sorts of advice of what has worked for people. For me it was a matter of building up my hand strength a little at a time slowly.  A lot from what I have seen has to do with lots of practice and more practice many times and then it comes to muscle memory. MM works wonders and in my prior profession trained many times a year with different scenarios thrown into the mix and MM would always come into play always. Stay with it and like many here don't rush and sometimes you must go back and start over.. no problem as its life. Good luck and welcome to our family! Oh your right hand will settle down over time just try and relax as much as you can and have fun. Also work with a hand strengthening tool while watching TV or driving. 

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  3. For those of you interested in the history of the man Les Paul and all his classic sounds along with who he has played with.. its an oldie but well worth documentary see 'Les Paul Chasing Sound" wow just wow what I learned about the man and all his sounds including who he played with. It is about an hour and 45 minutes long so see it when you have some time.  Just saw George Gruhn made a guest appearance talking about the Les Paul at about 12 minutes before the end. 


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  4. Hmm not to get in a debate, but I see many of these issues on the Gibson forums from players  and yes one is a tree issue..: quote  " I ordered my new Les Paul and it finally arrived only to find out, after unpacking it that it had a dark spot in the wood the size of a dime on the flame maple top and the body binding had a big curve in it clearly exposing the paint seam, as if someone came along while the person was applying the binding and bumped their arm.

    I can't believe their doing this again it's the mid to late 90's and early 2000's all over again, even the guy's at the guitar store said " Wow I can't believe this was allowed to leave the factory ", and that's their own suppliers talking, luckily I was able to exchange it for another one from the stores distribution center.

    Now you might say that I could've got a rare bad egg out of thousands, but this also happened over a month ago when I ordered an ES-335 and it showed up new in box, and it had an indentation in the wood on the neck..
    I'm just one person and it happened to me twice in less than two months time.

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