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Everything posted by CFLBob

  1. I had not seen that brand, but the same idea in a couple of places. My thumb is the one pick I have the least trouble with, and the delrin Fred Kelly I have works out OK. A banjo guy I know says "everybody uses finger picks" and to just get some of those metal ones like Pro-Piks, but those hit the spots that hurt the most. Bob
  2. I've been trying to start the fingerstyle course, but like the last few years, every time I try to start my finger problems knock me off the subject. I have two problems: short nails that are short because they break easily, and arthritic nodules on some fingers. I've tried the wire picks, the Alaska pik, the metal blade kind (?) and Fred Kelly Freedom picks. I've had the best result with the Fred Kelly picks because I could cut them down and file them to where they hurt less (but still hurt). I have three different shaped picks because no two fingers fit the same. Does anyone know of any good alternatives? Is there such a thing as custom fingerpicks molded to your fingers?

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