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Dave White

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Posts posted by Dave White

  1. 1 hour ago, Joel Tolbert said:

    Rookie, first timer, and still semi beginner... who can play chords and rhythm. On a pastoral sabbatical this summer and couldnt think of a better way to spend it than with guitarists... looking forward to absorbing and all the hand cramps. Just registered today.

    Welcome Joel - You will have a blast!

  2. 2 hours ago, Opie said:

    Well, now you can take me back off the list. The tumor has returned to my neck, and Monday I'll be getting a complete laryngectomy. This will lay me up for 4-6 weeks...wiping out my ability to travel to Nashville this year. Someone take some good videos for me to watch!

    I'll try to keep my status updated on my blog at http://massivelyuninformed.me/

    I  have been following your blog and was sorry to hear that the tumor has returned. You will be in our thoughts and you will be missed!

  3. 8 hours ago, matonanjin said:

    If you only hit one, as @Dave White said, " Gruhn Guitars (It goes without saying - The guitar store) "

    Yep - Artisan will always be my favorite (great customer service - and they did something very kind for me once - but that is another story) - but Gruhn is one of the guitar treasures of the world. And it is not only the guitars - stick around a while and talk to Mr. Gruhn (ask him anything about guitars or ask him to see his snakes - they really are pretty interesting) or Greg Voros (he gets my vote for the coolest guy on the planet).

    Also - I believe that Germantown Guitars is now closed.

    Less than 60 days away!

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