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  1. Hello I am quite new to guitar theory, and I was wondering how you guys went about memorizing major scales on the fretboard? It seems quite daunting to memorize the whole fretboard from scratch every time I want to learn a new major scale. I understand that the "pattern" is the same (that is W-W-H-W-W-W-H for all notes) but finding the root note in each string, then applying it to every string etc. seems like a very slow and tedious process. Is trial and error the only way to do it until you get used to it? I've also seen them divide the fretboard into 7 blocks (which from what i've seen are also unintuitively called patterns since it wasn't confusing enough) and claim that they are the "same" across other major scales (I've checked and found that they aren't, unless they were referring to the other "pattern"). Can someone help me out?

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