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Everything posted by ChristopherArt

  1. @Eracer_Team-DougH Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it to Mr. I really appreciate it.
  2. @DianeB Thank you for clearing that up. I don't see where you are talking about in the staff notation but that's ok. I have actually made this chord before but I was always told it was just a different way to make the G chord. Ok now that my brain is good and scrambled I'm going to take a break. Thanks again.
  3. I don't know if anyone has asked this yet but on page 60 of the lesson book under "Giulliani Studies for Classical Guitar" it has G7 in bold and in the tab it has 1 on the 6th string, a 3 on the 5th string, and 2 on the 2nd string. I've looked through the book several times and even googled it but I've not found a G7 string where you press the 3rd fret on the fifth string anywhere. It does through exercises 1 and 2. I was wondering if this was a typo or did I miss something? I watched the dvd again but it doesn't show how Steve is making this G7. Any help would be really appreciated since I've halted going any further till I get this figured out. Thanks.

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