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Professor G

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About Professor G

  • Birthday 11/10/1954

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  • Location
    Gillingham, England
  1. Wanting to buy this, it seems too good to be true, no returns, ugh. MIC 800 dollar gamble or smoking deal? I see a few on Reverb and they have a shop with higher prices than the website. https://10sguitars.com/product/gf-modern-swamp-ash-neck-thru-satin-black/
  2. Professor G (yes I'm a retired English Prof) here. Greetings from So Cal. Been playing for over 5 decades. Love gear, and play rock, metal, drop tunings, acoustic, blues. Can't play slide, a flying V or a 7 string, but love everything else. Got a few guitars and one signed (wearing off ) by Zakk and BLS and another by Dave and Megadeth. Love gear, and would like to be better at recording. 11?
  3. I was the biggest tube snob....but, things change. Since I bought a Fractal AX8, a Positive Grid Spark and a Nux MG30 I haven't been playing my tube combo or head. I am still waiting for the mother of al modelers a Quad Cortex, that has been on order since December last year. I have found a couple sites for presets Chop Tones, and Develop Device that are great. IRs included. In the old days digital sounded thin/nasal, with woofy bass, but with my Nux MG30 through a pair of powered JBLs the sound is great! Anyone else experience this? My Quad Cortex is supposed to come in April...CAN'T wait.

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