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Posts posted by Grog

  1. Actually I have observed with interest the "Millennials" . My daughters are Millennials. I have found them to be the product of a very Liberal educational system, probably more Liberal indoctrination. I kept hearing some pretty far left philosophies coming home from schools. Even our TV shows are   being censored now. Right wing leaning family shows like Last Man Standing are being removed from the air even though they have respectable  ratings. While we are buried with Social Comments  on Gender Benders and liberal talking points ad nauseum. Gave up TV myself as a waste of time. 

    Millennials really are lacking in creativity today. Amazing, the education system is just cookie cutting out their grads who  need Community College at the least to really say they are educated and ready to work. And their music is beyond the putrid.

    They demonstrate for women's rights and gender neutrality, all the while being indoctrinated by their rapcrap to listen to women being called "Hoes" and "B******" and useful for one thing. Rapcrap and Hip Hop should have their own awards so that real people can avoid it.

    I find it an infringement of parental authority and I am actually dead centre of the political spectrum.

    • Like 2
  2. Little of both. Being left handed forces you into more planning when purchasing a new guitar, except recently. Running into a Les Paul Traditional,  left handed in mint condition on the Gruhn's Website just isn't fair. Then the next day I ran into a left handed Cordoba C5-CE, nylon string classical for $335.00 isn't fair either.

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  3. Limatje

    I have seen many guitar teachers, including Justin Sandicore on his new video, all say that your first learning guitar should be electric. One of the benefits is less noise I guess. They are easier on your fingers too.


    At night noodle on an electric and don't plug it in. Believe me you can hear enough. I do it all the time watching tv.



  4. On 1/31/2018 at 2:48 PM, matonanjin said:


    I posed your question to Kenny, the owner, and this is the response I received:

    "Thanks Ron.. sometimes if one of our straps comes from 'belly' leather that might happen.. but no worries.. we offer a lifetime guarantee.. so if you or he ever experiences any sort of issue, it can be exchanged for a brand new one! thanks so much, Kenny"


    I don't know if this answers your question or not.

    Thanks for the info Mantonanjin. I went to the site yesterday to get a strap for my new guitar. Boneheaded me I made a mistake,clicked the wrong button and needed to get Pay Pal out of the purchase. Kenny called me, refunded pay pal and we talked for over an hour. Nice, personable guy. Been through some tragedy as well.

    I'm kind of partial, as my wife was Cherokee and Apache, but I like to support the Native businesses when I can.  Great people that we can all learn from.

    I found a 3" strap that will go with the colour of my new Les Paul. Since the guitar is a big block of wood, the 3" strap will help. The Les Paul has the shortest neck and  is 2 pounds heavier than my SG-400. Neck length from shortest to longest in my guitars are Les Paul, Fender Strat and then the SG-400 Pro by a long shot.

    Now I have to go and buy a sixer of Grolsch so I can get some washers   :D

    • Thanks 1
  5. Thanks all. I saw it on Gruhn's website when I was looking at what nylon string guitars they had. Surprised I liked it so much.

    I now know also that Amazon has Left  Handed Les Paul Pick  Guards for $7.99. Brackets sold separately. What doesn't Amazon have.

  6. Maria:

    I forgot to mention that my wife found something that really helped her hand. You probably know a lot more about it than I would. It was a wax bath for soaking your hands. The wax is warm so liquid. You keep putting your hand in it and the wax hardened. She said it warmed and soothed deeper into her hand. Just a thought. You just peel off the wax, and it makes some weird shapes. Put the wax back in the bath and that's it for cleanup.

    Hurry up and heal.



    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, sleepingangel said:

    oh boy!! that is something. Well I'm not looking forward to the MRI but I'm looking forward to figuring out how to fix this so I can play again..that is the WORST part about all this....in my life when things go awry I always had my guitar...even when I couldn't sing for 8 years...I had my guitar....

    So i'm hoping to know  a lot more on Monday when I see the doc again



    If the worst that can happen occurs, you can  always play left handed. Don't scoff, totally doable. You have the knowledge already, you just need to get the physical aspects going again. Jimi Hendrix could play guitar right or left handed.

    • Like 1
  8. Maria

    Your injury and appearance is so close to what my wife did during a fall at DFW airport that it is uncanny. Same hand, bummer was, she was left handed like me. She broke her two fingers, ring finger and small finger. They ended up having to free the tendons that had adhered to the sheath in her hand. The tendons are routed up the hand to the wrist through a sheath. It was minor surgery but she was out of using it for a few weeks then physiotherapy for a while. But it healed.

    Good luck and quick healing


    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Mike Boehler said:

    Diane, thank you so much for taking the time to do this research for me. I’ve left my guitar alone for a few days while I ponder my future with it. Ive read every reply many times. There is no question I make the fatal mistake of expectation. This is hard to battle as I know it’s a bad approach so I attempt to push it out of my mind. 

    I think playing with others would begin to put the joy back in for me. Playing for my family has become more of a chore as they tolerate me when I play and that’s not how it’s supposed to feel. 

    You probably noticed that I live in a rural area that doesn’t seem too musical but you hit the nail squarely on the head in finding that group I need to contact. Possibly winter has become too long here and my complacency has turned against me. 

    I will reach out to this group and attempt to rejuvenate myself to do something good with this three year effort that I really would love to continue. 

    Thank you everyone. This is a good group that I’ve just found and thank you for your help. 


    I know exactly what you mean about the "joy" Music itself was joy to me. Then life hit me. I have no  joy in life. My wife died in my arms after a year of suffering. She finally died gasping for breath. Then my precious  daughter was killed in the Las Vegas mass shooting. I have no joy. except my German Shepherd. She is slowly brought me out of the grief.

    I am even listening to  my music again, and finally able  to pick up  my guitars and try to learn. Why, because I had the weirdest experience that I still can not explain. I still wore my wedding band. Then I put it on the cutting board to do the dishes. When I finished it was gone. I searched my house, my yard along the  dog walking path and everywhere. No ring. I was grief stricken. I went into  my guitar room that evening, the first time all day and in front of my amp, there lies my wedding ring.

    Keep at it Mike. You chose this path for a reason.

    • Like 3
  10. On 3/16/2018 at 4:36 AM, matonanjin said:

    My wife really gets tired of having to repeat for me what was said on a television show.  I can't remember what the chart showed as far as what frequencies are my problem.  The only reason I haven't gotten my hearing aid is probably due to not wanting to self admit that I'm getting old and need one. 

    There is also no doubt in my mind that at least part of the cause of my hearing loss is decades of listening to music at pain levels.

    Edited to add:  I have also suffered from Tinnitus most of my adult life.

    I always thought that having my hearing diminish helped make a happy marriage........ :D

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    • Haha 1

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