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Everything posted by duck

  1. Thanks for your input Diane. Personally, I would much rather find an in-person punk rock girl to give my daughter lessons, but I am walking a triangular tight rope between my daughter, my wife and me - and they are both on board with the pre-recorded lessons. In other words, I'm outvoted! And yet, I'm the person on here trying to find something..? In any case, I agree with you, but my mandate is to (hopefully) find a pre-recorded, r-n-r, female guitar class. Thanks again for your input.
  2. Hi - I'm new to the forum, and a long time mediocre garage/basement guitarist. I have a 14 year old daughter who wants to take some pre-recorded lessons - stuff she can rewind and replay as necessary without awkwardness of a live/zoom/facetime situation - she's an awkward /shy kid. She also would prefer a woman - think like Donita Sparks from L7 - Someone that wants to show you 6 chords and a lot of distortion and fun! Any suggestions for so many specific details: pre-recorded? female? down and dirty rock for beginner teen?!? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!

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