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Everything posted by shitu13

  1. Thank you so much. It was helpful.
  2. Hello everyone! I'm asking your help here to improve my solo playing. I consider myself as a upper intermediate level player. I can play the bar chords and fluently shift between any open chord and bar chord. But I really want to learn to play solo. I have a pretty good knowledge about guitar fretboard. I mean I can name any note within 2/3 seconds. I have learnt to play G major scale all over the fretboard upto 12th fret. It was one of my dreams when I first picked up a guitar. Where should I start, what should I do? Any guideline or thought would be very helpful. Thank you all!
  3. Thank you very much for your suggestions and tips. I've been following the video lessons and as well as your advices too. I've been practicing very hard for last month or so & now I'm feeling pretty confident playing the barre chords I mentioned above. I mean it's pretty strange I've practicing those chords for weeks but I never really felt much confident or relaxed playing those chords. But from a few days ago it really started to pain less. Thank you so much though.
  4. Thanks for your suggestions. I keep doing those things but I don't know whether am I improving or not. And getting stuck in a situation makes me frustrated.
  5. I can play the E and Am shape barre chords for a longer period of time. But whenever I try to play the Em shape or the A shape barre chords I can play for a bit then my thumb really hurts and the chords start buzzing. What should I do? Please give me some tips.

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