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Everything posted by arju

  1. Thank you @Eracer_Team-DougH How do you tap your foot for 8th notes? If we are doing 1&2&3&4& I would tap on the numbers and lift in up picking ands. But we don't always do up picking for ands, so this causing problems in taping the foot. How do you do taping? any suggestions?
  2. I'm in the begining stages of L.A.M guitar course and just out of curiosity, was wondering how long does it take to complete this course. Any thoughts on this who have completed the course, may be a session by session break down if possible
  3. I was wondering whether to use 4 beat 1 division or 4 beat 2 division (where metronome divides each beat into 2 ticks) metronome to practice 8th note exercises. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
  4. I'm following the learn and master guitar course by steve krenz. I was wondering whether to use 4 beats 1 division or 4 beats 2 division (where metronome has 2 ticks for 1 beat)metronome for 8th note exercises. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

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