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Posts posted by Colburn

  1. Doug, that all sounds very familiar. I can barely understand most things. Recently my audiologist said I'm legally deaf above certain frequencies. I have to rely on my wife telling me what someone said. It's discouraging since my hearing aids are really expensive and they've tuned them up as much as possible. Guess I'll get new hearing aids instead of another very nice guitar. But at least I'm around to complain about it. 

  2. Does anyone else have issues with "stray" sounds when wearing hearing aids while playing? Sometimes it seems like my hearing aids pick up guitar sounds that you normally would not hear. Almost like getting harmonics on one string when playing another. I have some control over hearing aid settings but I haven't found a good way to deal with all of them. Does anyone else have a similar issue?

  3. A couple of questions about the Blues Jr. I think mine is about 2007 vintage. Can you turn the reverb completely off? I don't notice much if any difference at different settings.

    Also, has anyone had trouble with the cheap plastic jack plug? From what I've read it is a pretty common problem. At least in older models.

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