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Everything posted by JohnnyH

  1. Well, I'll necro this thread, as I'm about to give it another try. I bought the boxed set just as Gibson moved in, got a nice discount on the pre Gibson branded box, and tried to learn on a cheap acoustic my then wife bought me, that practically killed my fingers. Hadn't thought about setting up a guitar at that point. I believe I was playing around at session 4 when I got a promotion at work and started to travel a lot and free time became scarce. The guitar and the course sat gathering dust as life took me through some tangled paths. Recently I grabbed and dusted off that guitar after another failed relationship and dug out the course. The guitar is still terrible. After doing some 'serious' research I just popped it on top of my wardrobe and agreed to buy a Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plustop Pro from a guy up the road tomorrow, who has almost never used it, and a tiny old Gorilla practice amp he has, same exact amp as I had when I was a kid (thankfully no flying V this time ). Looking forward to reacquainting myself with Steve and his excellent course, I recall getting to the point I felt I was able to read music last time, this time I want to finish the course and feel comfortable playing.

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