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Everything posted by CoOlCat

  1. In 2011 I bought brand new a LTD EC-1000D, it came with a quick connect 81/60 EMG set soldered to the controls. I recently unplugged the 81/60 set and just plugged in a 57/66 set, but it's really noisy and hums...I use ENGL tube amps. I have a 94 Gibson SG with 81/85 set and it's not humming or noisy, neither is my LTD MH-250 with 81/H set, I have a 98 Les Paul with old DiMarzio Distortion 2's in it and it's not noisy at all. I don't understand this, I didn't disturb the cavity control, I didn't have to because all I did was remove the pups from the top unplugged them and then just plugged in the new EMGS...(yes properly I double checked). What could be causing this? I have some left over EMG quick connect parts to replace all the controls in the EC, would this help? I notice that my soldered setup is like any other with a capacitor on the tone pot, but there is a tiny integrated cap on the tone quick connect...could this be why? I haven't changed out the parts yet because I want some input. Could I have a ground loop?

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