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  1. I was doing the scales "homework" and was rather discouraged about being told to memorize them. I flipped through the next few chapters and those flashcards in later chapters clearly show a very easy to memorize pattern to all the sharps and flats for the scales. So glad I looked ahead, I would have wasted a lot of time trying to memorize things without seeing the obvious patterns.
  2. Another old guy who decided to finally learn to play guitar. A few months lessons as a kid, a few months in my 30's, got up to lesson 6 on L&M in my 40's, and now have used pandemic time to forget the world and play guitar. I bought the course a long time ago when I had trouble finding an instructor for an adult beginner. Now I realize that while doing a course at your own pace risks stalling, it also prevents frustration with meeting deadlines. This time around the first 6 lessons went real fast, lesson 7 is new territory for me so the fun begins.

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Guitar Gathering is a community of guitar lovers of all types and skill levels.  This is a place of learning, support and encouragement.  We are unapologetically positive.

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