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Posts posted by Rlb03

  1. On 7/31/2021 at 3:16 PM, Rlb03 said:

    I’m just wondering if anyone else has had the same frustration I have with session 7 so far. I just cannot consistently get the barre chords to ring clearly. I’ve just been trying to get my index finger down let alone adding in the other fingers. I’ve been at it for 2-3 weeks and I know it takes time, but this is by far the most frustrating thing I’ve dealt with in learning guitar. I only want to play for my own enjoyment not for performance or anything close. At this point I’m considering three options, quitting altogether, moving on without mastering barre chords or dumping all my guitars in the lake! 😡


    Thank you to everyone for the encouragement and the tips, I truly appreciate it. It helps. I will begin  incorporating the things suggested into my routine. Thank you matonanjin especially for the good advice. I was thinking of doing just what you said, keep working for a while longer then move on but still practice barres. When I play my Tele it’s pretty good, but my acoustics are putting up a fight! 😄 I know it’s going to be a long term work and hopefully I’ll have good things to report in the future. Thank you all again! 

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  2. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had the same frustration I have with session 7 so far. I just cannot consistently get the barre chords to ring clearly. I’ve just been trying to get my index finger down let alone adding in the other fingers. I’ve been at it for 2-3 weeks and I know it takes time, but this is by far the most frustrating thing I’ve dealt with in learning guitar. I only want to play for my own enjoyment not for performance or anything close. At this point I’m considering three options, quitting altogether, moving on without mastering barre chords or dumping all my guitars in the lake! 😡


  3. @Eracer_Team-DougH thank you for the reply. I am someone who’s strictly playing for myself and my enjoyment. Won’t be playing any gigs or performing for anyone. I’m all for as much musical knowledge and experience as I can get, and will certainly put forth the effort to acquire it. I’m just at a real crossroads here with this sight reading, at this point in the course. Learning the guitar has to be at least part fun, and if I take all the time necessary to become a proficient sight reader... kiss that goodbye in a hurry. For what I’m after I feel tab will more than suffice while also practicing sight reading. It’s the “master” part that’s hanging me up. 

  4. Hi there everyone, I’m hoping this will be a good place to get advice from time to time. Super brief summary, I’m a “career beginner” with guitar. I’ve always let frustration win in past and am determined not to let it again. I’ve come back to the learn and master guitar series and am progressing through it, currently on session 4. What I’m having trouble with is sight reading and playing. I’ve made progress doing that in earlier sessions but now it’s getting to be too much. When I get into the exercises and the Minuet in C, if I don’t write in the notes it’s painstakingly slow. If sight reading is a requirement to playing then I might as well forget it now and save myself the time! I’m not saying there isn’t value in knowing how, I’m just saying that with tab these days I could practically get by without it. I hate to derail all the progress I’ve made to this point if I’m going to have to spend the next year learning to be proficient at sight reading and playing. I’d welcome your suggestions and experiences. 

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