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Terrible Tim

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  1. Thanks for the responses. I am going to stick with the right handed option. I guess starting out most of the chords are uncomfortable in the beginning but after awhile your fingers learn what they are suppose to do. I'll keep practicing right handed even if it takes a little longer on each lesson.
  2. How do you decide if you are a right handed or left handed player? I have a few instruments around the house from other family members that are all right handed. I recently purchased the L&M course from Steve and have been trying to get the C and G7 chord right handed and it is fairly difficult right now but if I flip the Stratocaster around and hold it lefty it seems more natural for some reason. I tend to write left handed but I do a lot of things right handed. Baseball for example I bat right handed but prefer to throw left handed. I guess growing up in a house with a bunch of right handed people I have learned to adapt on certain things. I guess the question is do I persist to do it right handed since I have instruments around or do I go get a left handed guitar and let the more natural feel win?

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