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Posts posted by Triple-o

  1. I like the previous post. 

    I would find out what songs he likes. Then I would use the   Learn and Master course; (its not an older persons course). I would also use  Hal Leonard method books 1, 2and 3 and Mel Bay method books 1, 2, 3, and 4. (expanded edition)  I would  “cherry pick“ those courses for the best lesson material.I would also insert songs he likes in place of some of the “open domain songs” those songs kids wouldn’t like.I would also pick up Alfred's "Teach Yourself To Read Music" only because it does seems to show how to “count notations“ better than most. A topic confusing for beginners. I like the Mel Bay books because they have the teacher acc. with lessons and duets. They also have a lot of melody practice.The Hal Leonard books  contain a few more contemporary songs. There are numerous beginner song books like the one mentioned in the previous post that could be used. Then there is also Steve’s song hits.There are also numerous beginner classical and fingerstyle books you could draw from to have more material on those methods of playing. 

    I would do this because Ithink that when you give a kid a electric guitar and then sit down and play “Jingle Bells“  well, I think BB King would say “the thrill is gone”.

    Perhaps you already have these books in your “piles and piles”.This would require some extra work for you. 

    I was just looking at the song "Wild Thing" and it would be easy to insert songs like that into a lesson plan. (With simple open chords).You could  also  teach a lot about music and theory from songs with complete sheet music. Did he like that song in the Truefire's beginners course? I think they called it "Crazy Thing"  avoiding copy right issues I assume. (Which I think is the biggest problem with most lessons, not owning song rights.)Take a look at a couple of youtube lessons and sheet music that's available for hundreds of songs like  "Wild Thing". 






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  2. Stine talks about his first solo where he learned about combining major and minor pentatonic. He talks about going up one fret to enter the major pentatonic. Brian, over at active melody always talked about going down 3 frets. I never even thought about going up.

     I never heard of stine’s on-line lessons, but I did read that he had 750,000 subscribers world wide. One of his lessons had over 7 million viewers. I think he charges $69 a year about the same as Brian. Looks like another on-line “pandemic proof” teacher with a 6 figure income. 


  3. Interesting style, not as easy as it looks, especially as the speed picks up. The chords also make a big difference, D A and G for example. My hand position stays pretty much the same for A  and D, but the change to G  requires arm movement for accuracy, so I don’t mute the A string. I guess I could play G with the E and D as the bass note. Playing it like the example in the acoustic article probably wouldn’t sound right.



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