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Posts posted by Triple-o

  1. Thanks, I was curious about your comment.

    In your original post you also talked about melodic licks. Since melodic licks are usually based on arpeggios I have a feeling you have been using them unwittingly.When ever I find some combination of notes that sound good.They usually turn out to be arpeggios.When I add expressions (bends etc.)to them its about the only time I feel any emotions in my solos/improv

    Eric Clapton’s song, “Bell Bottom Blues”come to mind where his intro is based on arpeggiating through the chords.Speaking of Clapton,he seems to use the pentatonic scale a lot,so it’s not the notes he plays, it’s more about what he does with them.

    Some  of his musicical ideas seem  to be based on old blues music and guitarist like Freddie King and Robert Johnson etc.So he has a starting point.

    One solo I constantly go to for inspiration is David Gilmours first solo in Comfortably Numb. Chord tones and a lot of expressions.

    • Like 2
  2. Thanks, I just ordered the Vito dvd, his “reflection” has changed since he was on the live lessons with Steve.I also ordered  Koch’s book.Now, I just need another guitar. Perhaps Martin Guitars will read the post and call, like they did Rory, to have me swing  by and pick one up.?

  3. Awhile back a member posted a question about soloing and in his post he stated “that he thought arpeggios were most useful when playing chords outside the key”. I know what he’s saying. I just don’t understand why he would say that.

    I asked him in a reply to his post,but he may not go back and see my reply.









  4. What does this mean? Play the song “moderately bright.” The only thing I can come up with is the speed is about 90 + - and use a Taylor guitar,Since they seem to be “brighter” than most.

  5. I always thought that this was a pretty good guitar course. The one session I always thought didn’t belong was session 18. Jazz, don’ you need a masters degree in music to learn Jazz. Now I’ve changed my mind. The more time I spent trying to master the blues solo the more I realize some of the answers to improve my solo can from from Jazz. One way to improve your solo would be by adding tension and resolution to your solo.Where is one of the best places to learn more about this subject, that’s right Jazz.

  6. Thanks , that was interesting.

    Now if I only had Nat King Cole to join me for morning practice. I recorded his version to my iPad,so I could play along.The big take away from listening to him was that after the solo, he came back in at the bridge section to finish.

    I might change some minor changes to my sheet music so that it is exactly as he sings it.


  7. I am trying to understand this song.The version that I have is from the latest edition of the Real Book.

    I see where some on line folks are referring to Autumn Leaves as AAB and others as a AABA and still others as a AABC song form.  

    I am assuming that the first 16 bars is the AA.Then the next 8 bars is the B then 8 more bars of A making it 32 bars AABA.I am assuming the B stands for bridge.When some say the song firm is AAB, I take that to mean they consider the bridge to be 16 bars.What about the C ?

    On line I found a beginner lesson by Eric Blackmon. He breaks the bridge into two parts the bridge and the “breakdown bridge”. The breakdown bridge is Em7 A7 Dm7 and G7.Is that a music term?  I think I came across something that said these 4 chords are from another key,  could that why he seems to separate them.

    Another thing, If you add the lyrics to the real book version the bridge seems to start on “Went a Way” .The bar before that has the lyrics “Since you”, Why wouldn’t the bridge start with Since you? “Since You”is where the song seems to change. Eric plays  the bridge as 16 bars.

    Any help would be appreciated.







  8. Today was like a giant step forward.The last few weeks, in my evening practice session I’ve been working on sequencing in the key of C (pattern 7) like  BCDC  EDFE etc. I finally memorized that pattern ascending in the 7th position, so tonight I set the metronome to 72 and started with C E then I added the G then combined those sequence pattern notes back and forth with notes in pattern 2,3,4 1 and 5 of A minor pentatonic.I targeted the C chord tones on the neck and  roots and. 3rds from the other major scale. I used the metronome so that I would always start on a beat or hold a note for whole or half beat etc. Well, anyway I could have done this for hours, it sounded good and it really opened my eyes to how to use these scale patterns.One other thing I liked the 7th position low  C and E so much I would come back to those two tones numerous times.A few bends and slides and vibratos and now I am hooked. The one draw back is that I think I found a beginning for a improvisation in the. key of C , but I can’t say that it had a middle or an ending and I haven’t a. clue about what I was saying. Plus I need to figure out “call and response” because without it I think I am just rambling.Well, there’s always tomorrow.

    Now  that I am writing this it  dawned on me that I forgot the chord progression, So I was just rambling. ? Tomorrow I will start working on putting it into a 12 bar blues format.Also the 2nd pattern of Am pentatonic scale overlaps the C. Major scale pattern 7. I also had been working on the caged system.so I new the C chords in the 5 caged patterns on the neck.And evan though I didn’t change to the 4 and 5 chords I see how that wouldn’t have effected my note selection much.It would have added two notes.I could have picked more notes by using the blue notes.

    Sometimes just rambling on in this forum really helps me think.

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  9. I’ve been working on this Jazz Standard to help my melody timing. So, I haven’t spent too much on the chords yet.

    When practicing the chords I play the first 16 bars with DU/ U/ UD. When I get to the middle of the bridge I play DUD for E-7 A7 D-7 and G7 chords. The rest of the bridge is the same DU U UD.

    I am assuming the bridge section starts with the first  F#-7b5 and goes 16 bars.

    The YouTube lesson was by  Eric blackmon and it’s a beginner lesson


    • Thanks 1
  10. I used to think that improv and solos were pretty much the same thing. Now, I see that most musicians think improvs are something completely new, something you never played before.You can’t “regurgitate,”( that doesn’t sound good) anything up from any  material you played in the past. So much for having a bunch of licks memorized.

  11. The other day I stopped by a pawn shop and they had an older looking  Gibson. The  finger board appeared to be bowed up or coming loose from the neck where it meets the body  I was wondering if that was a major repair job.When I googled it, I was surprised to see folks posting the same problem,unfortunately none I read discussed getting it fixed. 

  12. I ‘ve been using autumn leaves as a warm up to my practice session .I finally memorized the lyrics and the melody.This morning I thought it was time to use the metronome with it. The lyrics and melody notes don’t come as easy, but It is starting to sound much better.





    • Like 1
  13. This solo at 130 bpm is moving right along. When I listen to the song on you tube I would have bet it was a lot faster. It’s just a blur.to fast for my taste.

    I thought solos were supposed to like taking to someone.Who talks like this? I guess I am confusing music genres.Blues vs Rock

    • Haha 1
  14. Thanks,  After spending hours writing the first post  and getting no response I started to think I was the only one that could figure out what I was trying to say. Reading your post made me  realize that  I was wrong and I should have waited longer for a response before the re-write.

    Jazz seems to be complicated,but I was hopeful that it could answer some of my questions,so I picked up Jane Miller’s  Intro To Jazz Guitar.  I looked at the Zellon’s course you mentioned  and the Gold course material looks good. 






  15. How does a jam session work? Let’s say you have 3 or 4  beginner guitarist that want to have a blues jam session. I know you would bring the guitar stuff,would  you have an assortment of blues material to hand out? Would you just play some 1  4   5 chord progression and take turns trying to solo? What to you think?

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