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Posts posted by SteveT

  1. @NeilES335 @Eracer_Team-DougH Thanks guys for the advice. I shall try twisting my thumb a bit towards the headstock and see how i get on. Currently I know something doesn't feel quite right.





    Hi guys,

    Would any of you kind people have a look at my fretting hand position and let me know if it's ok please? I'm working on the two open chord chapters at the moment and am progressing slowly and just want make sure my thumb position etc.. is okay.? My thumb is behind the neck near the top, not the middle. My wrist is pretty straight, but i'm not to  perpendicular  to the neck, is that right?? I couldn't really tell from Steve's hand position exactly on the course, as he doesn't show you from behind. I have quite small hands. I'm holding an Em7 chord. I'm so scared of developing bad habits at this stage and not growing the right muscles. 

    To be honest i'm struggling a little with chords after the hiatus of finishing the single notes and being able to read music. 


    Many thanks guys :)


  2. @NeilES335 Thanks for the tips.  I notice Steve K's thumb pokes out the top of the neck a bit, but i guess his fingers must be very flexible. I'll try lowering my thumb a bit. and bending my wrist. How's this?? I've been sitting on a stool with my legs crossed and the guitar resting on my right leg to elevate the neck a bit. I also always wear a strap with it set reasonably high like Steve K, to get used to having the guitar at the same level when i eventually stand up :)

    I did try the classical position before on the other leg, but It felt a bit weird. I have see a few vids online suggesting resting the guitar on the left left to help with neck access and back posture. But I can't seem to get the position right. I have one of those classical foot stands. So I'll give that a whirl.

    Many thanks Neil for your advice.






  3. Hi guys,

    Would any of you kind people have a look at my fretting hand position and let me know if it's ok please? I'm working on the two open chord chapters at the moment and am progressing slowly and just want make sure my thumb position etc.. is okay.? My thumb is behind the neck near the top, not the middle. My wrist is pretty straight, but i'm not to  perpendicular  to the neck, is that right?? I couldn't really tell from Steve's hand position exactly on the course, as he doesn't show you from behind. I have quite small hands. I'm holding an Em7 chord. I'm so scared of developing bad habits at this stage and not growing the right muscles. 

    To be honest i'm struggling a little with chords after the hiatus of finishing the single notes and being able to read music. 


    Many thanks guys :)




  4. Hi guys, I just started the basic open chords chapter. When changing between chords Steve K said on the lesson video that there shouldn't be any em11 type sounds in-between changes at all. It should all be very clean. All the people on youtube are saying the opposite, and say that the open strings sounding a bit is fine to a small degree in order to get quick changes. They even call it the nothing chord. One old book i have says it's even fine to change during the last upstroke of the previous chord, resulting in a slight muffle. I'm not convinced by them, as a lot of them put their thumb over the neck too which i found trained all the wrong muscles and caused a lot of tension on my hand, it took my months to undo and train properly. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Cheers Steve T

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