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  1. Can someone tell me the name for the styles of guitar Mark Knopfler (of Dire Straits) is playing in the sections of this video I've listed below? I don't know how to research this since I don't know the names for what he's doing, and I'd have trouble copying him simply from watching the video. I am at a point in my guitar playing where I am interested in learning specific styles of guitar that are more interesting and complex than what I am currently capable of playing, and this video contains several examples of the type of thing I am interested in. If anyone wants to explain in any detail what he's doing with his hands, especially his right, in these cases, that'd be awesome, but basically I'll do more searching online and in books once I know what terms to look for. Thank you. Picking with thumb? - 1:38, 2:18, 2:31 Rock rhythm? - 5:18 Rhythm? - 9:02 More rhythm? - 11:38, 14:13 Blues rhythm? - 12:43 Interval chords? 13:22

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