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Status Replies posted by Rickrblues

  1. Hi Diane. What is the gathering hotel?  Do I need to ask for a certain person or code?

    thanks, Rick

    1. Rickrblues


      Thanks Diane. Hope to see you at the gathering. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Just signed my wife and I up for the Keeping the Blues Alive at Sea again for 2020!  I am beyond excited.  Days on a cruise of awesome blues music by some of the greatest guitarists in the world along with a stop in Nassau, Bahamas! 

    Woo Hoo!!!!!!

    Joe Bonamassa

    Buddy Guy

    Mike Zito

    Tab Benoit

    Resse Wynans

    Doyle Brramhall II

    And about 20 more!

    I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Rickrblues


      Congrats, Ron. Thinking about going.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. So BluzCruz how did you get your username?  I assume it represents "Blues Cruise".   As in "Keeping the Blues Alive at Sea" Cruise?  Have you been on it or a different blues cruise?  Are you going this year?  Dan Brown from L&MG and his wife and my wife and I are going next month.

    1. Rickrblues


      Are you still in Nebraska?  That's a long way from Orlando! I'd love to see her again!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. So BluzCruz how did you get your username?  I assume it represents "Blues Cruise".   As in "Keeping the Blues Alive at Sea" Cruise?  Have you been on it or a different blues cruise?  Are you going this year?  Dan Brown from L&MG and his wife and my wife and I are going next month.

    1. Rickrblues


      I also wish we could have spent more time together.  Too many great groups to see.  Take care.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. So BluzCruz how did you get your username?  I assume it represents "Blues Cruise".   As in "Keeping the Blues Alive at Sea" Cruise?  Have you been on it or a different blues cruise?  Are you going this year?  Dan Brown from L&MG and his wife and my wife and I are going next month.

    1. Rickrblues


      Wish I could join you guys again this year.  Really had a blast last year. Tip a beer for me.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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