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Posts posted by ShadowBoxer86

  1. Matonanjin,  I read about this a few years ago on the Gibson site and one of their forums.  Dave Hunter is the final inspector there and wrote this one time about setup for humbuckers on the Gibson factory line.

    Hi I'm David the final inspector at Gibson Memphis. I can give you the factory spec info. on our setups. You will need a mechanics rule to do this properly.

    To check neck relief: fret the low E at the first and 15th fret (not 12th) reach to the 7th fret and tap string. There should be a small space between string and fret - no thicker than a piece of paper. Do the same with the high E.
    ACTION: fret low E at first fret and measure the distance from the bottom of the to the top of the 15th fret. It should be 5/64". Do the same with the high E, measurement should be 3/64". Now measure the string height at the nut; underside of the string to the top of the fret. Low E and A should measure 2/64", D and G =1.5/64" and B and high E = 1/64". If string height at nut is correct, recheck string height at 12th fret with strings open. Measurement for low and high E's should be the same as measurement taken at the 15th.

    Pickups: Fret low E at 22nd fret and measure pickup height from underside of string to point on pickup closest to string. Bridge pickup should be 3/64"
    (I think the 3/64" is a typo, it should be 3/32") , neck pickup should be 4/32". Fret high E at 22nd fret, distance for both pickups should be 3/32".

    Play test: Play every string at every fret checking for buzzes. Bend High E string 1 and 1/2 steps, beginning at the sixth fret and ending at 22nd, checking for "choking" and to make sure string stays in nut notch.

    And this is interesting also:  http://www.gibson.com/news-lifestyle/features/en-us/pickup-height.aspx

    Besides, It not like your going to break it if you experiment with the pickup height.  And as Ben said you can't adjust the pole pieces on the minihumbers anyway.  I did see a 325 on Reverb yesterday that had the pups changed out.  Hope it works for you.

  2. When Greg Vorus set up my 335 he adjusted the  pickups, truss rod and the bridge.  It was night and day different.  It went from hard to play to perfect.  If I remember correctly your 325 was set up by Greg before they shipped it to you and if Greg set it up it is most likely set up exactly to spec.  The neck, bridge and even the pickups have an affect on the strings since the magnets will actually pull the strings down from what I have read.  I would check with GV first because it makes such a difference in playability.  Plus don't forget the 325 did not come with standard size humbuckers.  I think they were a little smaller in size so you might have difficulty getting the right size to match yours.  Greg would know for sure though.

  3. I have watched these many times on my cell phone while eating a late supper at the office.  Each time I think whoops you forgot that tip didn't you, better review it again at home.  Fortunately I was able to print out most of the lessons on the Gibson site before it closed down and have a full large notebook of those older lessons.  That was such a bad move on Gibson's part.  Wonder how many Gibson guitar's were purchased after watching those lessons?

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  4. RKL:  I started with an old Yamaha G50A, cost me 47 bucks used.  Still sounds great, but those older student models sometimes did not have an adjustable truss rod so the action is pretty high even with shaving the saddle.  I never really cared for the wide neck after switching to a narrower electric guitar neck.  I replaced my old G50A with a new Yamaha NTX 700c while I was doing the Fingerstyle course.  It is a hybrid nylon with a radiused and slightly narrower neck (and a great pickup system).  It was a B-stock that I got off of ebay for about $365 including gig bag.  Now my expensive guitars just sit in their cases most of the time!  This one is my all time favorite and nearly the cheapest, go figure.  Though as Grog said, if you get one from Sweatwater you get a bag of candy with it, plus your personal salesperson will actually pull the guitar you are interested in and play it for you to give you their opinion of that guitar. LOL

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  5. Jeff, I have the same problem with their site.  I at first thought it was my old XP OS so I changed to Windows 7, but it didn't help.  I did talk with the Fender rep at NAMM last summer and he told me there would be no continued support for our Mustang IIIs now that the GTs were out and there was no update at all on the Fender Fuse product for us.  Not impressed with the GTs when I was there.  Still like my Mustang III though.  There is an Ausi fellow on youtube who regularly reviews these amps and posts new presets.  Think his name was Shane "intheblues".

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