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Everything posted by Prabhu

  1. Hello, I have a problem with my guitar, that is the truss rod itself! The problem is the rod cannot adjust (that was I thought earlier). I went to a luthier told him the problem and he said your truss rod is fine but it had no impact on your guitar neck. That was strange for me. Also the neck of guitar was bend and the bend was concave, the fretboard was bowed downwards. Had anyone also fonud the same problem that I have ? Waiting for replies .
  2. Yeah, Amazon is selling clipped guitar tuner. Don't know if they work fine ?
  3. Okay, I'll buy a tuner, but how the mobile tuner is different from what we get in a real tuner, I mean how they're different ?
  4. And thank you @NeilES335 @pkotof @Oldjock @tjmeyers
  5. Yeah, I don't do recordings and I just can't go on and tune the Guitar with the tuner everytime I play. Though it will take some time but I'll go with this.
  6. Thank you Friends for replying to this post. All I need is the hearing capabilities, to tune-in the Guitar by ears, but without a tuning fork or a Guitar tuner, how can i actually tune the high E string ?
  7. Wanna learn how to tune-in simply by hearing the sound.
  8. No Greg, nothing worked for me or I might don't know how to work with these solutions, then I have made a temporary fix, I have raised the truss rod and trimmed the 13th and 14th a bit and it worked for me, almost ! Although, I won't suggest this to anyone to go through this procedure.
  9. Thank you people, but I think I need to change the saddle. But what if I use a higher saddle then normal ?
  10. whenever I play 13th fret, strings buzzes. I tried to adjust truss rod but it didn't helped, what should I do ?

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