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Posts posted by Yggdrasilium

  1. On 8/19/2019 at 5:59 AM, NeilES335 said:

    I'm trying to take my own advice by taking a 'crash course' in theory while on vacation. I know there's little chance I'll have the quiet time for serious study at other times. Studying this great little book "Music Theory 101" "A crash course...." by Brian Boone and Marc Schonbrun

    There's nothing wrong in following your own advice. At least then you know the advice is good, right? 😉

    Please let us know if the crash course is a good one, Neil!

  2. On 8/18/2019 at 1:55 PM, John Wells said:

    I think vacation is a time away from all the cares of life. Even keeping up with things like music lessons are to be avoided. On the other hand, music appreciation can be a good influence no matter when we have the chance. Going to a concert or watching a good performance on TV enhances our outlook about music. If you're in Italy, maybe going to La Scala opera house is a possibility. When we return from vacation, we go at it with renewed enthusiasm. We soon catch up. Lotsa luck.

    I think you're absolutely right about that, John. It's a good feeling when you realize you're actually looking forward to getting back to practicing. A break can cause that to happen.

    I have also noticed that I'm more likely to relax my fingers when I've taken a break. Doesn't have to be a long break. A good night's sleep is often all it takes. When my fingers are relaxed, I'm playing better, more controlled. Tense finger muscles is not a good thing when you're playing guitar.

  3. Thanks for all the great tips, guys, and sorry for falling off the radar. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

    Reading about music theory is a great tip. The topic of scales is a bit beyond my current level, I'm afraid, but I'm going to keep that in mind when I - hopefully - make some more progress with the course.

    The idea of a travelling guitar came as a surprise to me; I didn't even know they existed. It's so practical, as it's so small and easy to fit inside a decently sized suitcase. Did you pay much for it?

    I got back from my vacation about three weeks ago, and have been enjoying some alone-time with my guitar now and then. 🙂

    Today I thought I'd fire up the old DVD and go through Steve's lesson 4 videos again, and see if I am having any difficulty playing that stuff. I took a break from the course a few months ago, and have been using the book "Hal Leonard Easy Pop Melodies" since I find it a good companion source material for practicing the notes on the first five frets. Steve has recommended buying those books, after all. I now see why he did so.

    The break from the course has done me good, I believe. It has been refreshing, which I needed after spending many months in session 4. My hope is that I will feel ready to move on to session 5 shortly. 🙂

    • Like 1
  4. So here I am sunk deep down into my beach chair in Italy. The sun is roasting anything or anyone not smart enough to hide under a parasol or dip their bodies in the wonderful, cool sea. I'm one of the smart ones. 

    So I know how lucky I am to be able to get away from the usual stress and the everyday bustle and shuffle. How come I'm missing playing my guitar while my toes are digging in the sand and the sound of washing waves fill my ears? 

    I am trying to figure out what I can do to develop my skill and knowledge of music in times when I don't have an instrument at hand. 

    I thought of bringing books along with me, but decided against it. They're too heavy and not practical to bring with me to the beach. 

    One thing I have been using, and which has helped open my eyes, is the cell phone app called Justin Guitar Note Trainer. It shows you the first 12 frets of the guitar and asks you to identify the notes on the various frets and strings. I'm currently getting towards the end of session 4 of the Learn And Master Guitar course, so these types of exercises are very useful for me right now. 

    I've had a few aha-moments too, and I've gotten a few glimpses of patterns and relationships between strings that I haven't seen before, and that the course hasn't taught me yet. 

    So, what do you guys do to practise while travelling? Am I missing out on some cool apps or tools that could further my skills and knowledge of music and the guitar in particular? 


  5. On 2/28/2019 at 2:47 AM, Sharont said:

    My husband bought this years ago and used it to start his guitar learning journey.  I started my own journey about 2 1/2 years ago but only started doing this in January of this year.   It has been a great program so far and I can tell I am making some real progress finally. 

    @Sharont It's always nice to hear from other beginners. Know that you're not alone. I started working on the LMG course before Christmas 2018.

    I wish you good luck on your path! ?

    • Like 2
  6. On 1/4/2018 at 9:47 PM, DianeB said:

    Steve’s Fretboard Workouts are available from his Mighty Oak Music site here.

    They are all high quality instructional videos that come with documentation in PDF format where appropriate. Steve says: “Speed & Agility can be started once you have a bit of facility on the instrument — around [Learn & Master Guitar course] Session 4 [open position notes] or so. You won't be able to keep up with me but it will start to build your coordination in helpful ways.
    Major Scale Mastery can be started around Session 7-8 [barre chords] when we start covering scales.
    Jazz Chords can be used anytime after Session 10 [fingerstyle] or so, but it will be particularly helpful in the jazz session.”

    Before he produced these major scales workouts, Steve made a series of video "Power Workouts". They are no longer available, but one of these covered major scales, and was clearly his outline for the new workouts. The PDF is attached as a kind of free preview.


    Thanks for the information, Diane! I purchased the Fretboard Workout bundle in today's Flash sale. Five courses at a very good price!

    I am currently working on L&M session 4, and have been for about three weeks now, I suppose. I predict that I'm going to be spending the next three in this session as well. ?

    I'll take the Speed and Agility course for a spin soon. From what Steve had to say about it, I expect to be challenged. It will offer a break from the monotony of the exercises in L&M session four. I'm not saying that session 4 is boring, but... ah, you probably know what I mean. ?

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, costancr said:

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm about a week and a half into session 2 and I have started to find that I play better when I play at 65bpm than 60.  Although I know that hitting notes quickly is important to make music more fluid, I don't want to just become a "fast" player (I know I'm only on session 2 of a very long journey).  I wasn't sure if anyone had a similar problem or if this was something I shouldn't worry about right now?

    Don't worry about that. If playing at 65 bpm feels more comfortable - or natural - to you than 60, I say: good for you! I certainly wouldn't categorize it as a "problem". I encourage you to just keep practicing regularly. I'm sure that what may seem strange to you at this stage, will seem natural later on.

    I'm currently working my way through session 4, but it hasn't been that long since I was doing the exercises in session 2, where you are now. I remember how tricky it was to learn the first three to six notes. Now, my fingers react instinctively when I play the notes on the first four strings. I need some more repetitions before I can say the same thing about the notes on the fifth and sixth string, but I'm confident that these notes will feel as natural to play as the notes on the first four strings if I just keep at it. It's really true what they say: practice does the trick. Good luck with your endeavours! ?

    • Like 1
  8. I bought myself a metronome (Cherub WSM-240 is the brand and model name) some days ago and I've been working on those tricky exercises in the bonus workshop for session 3 (the ones with the headline of "Ties, dots and rests"). I mentioned earlier that I was having some difficulty keeping the rhythm when quarter and eight rests appears, often in combination with dotted notes.

    Well, I have to say that with the metronome I finally got it right!

    It's strange, but for some reason I was making the note ring for a shorter duration instead of longer in some cases, if that makes sense. It really threw me off, because I felt that I wasn't playing to the correct rhythm, but couldn't figure out exactly what I was doing wrong. Alright, I learned something new today as well. ?

    Thanks for the recommendation!

    • Like 1
  9. It's inspiring to hear about your journey. I'm in session 4 at the moment, so at the very beginning, really. Having a lot of fun, but of course, no results come without some sweat, frustration and effort (practice).

    I think it's a big accomplishment to get through all 20 sessions in two and a half years. I hope that I am able to do the same. Congratulations.

    I like what you said about this feeling like a beginning for you. Yes, there's always more to learn. ?


  10. I started working on session 4 today, and after having glanced at the content in the book, and watched the first part of Steve's video, I can now say that I understand what all the fuss is about. This one's going to make me break a sweat, I think. ?

    But, you know what? I'm in this thing for the long haul. Even though the challenge is greater than in previous sessions, I'm having a lot of fun. I struggled for a while with sessions 2 and 3, but now they're fairly easy.

    Like someone else mentioned, the rests are still causing a bit of confusion with regards to the rhythm, but I'm not letting that hold me back. I'll get hold of a metronome and see if that helps. Currently I'm rocking a bit back and forth while I play, to "feel" the beat.

    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, ShadowBoxer86 said:

    Looks like Gibson may be closing this link.  I did find it again on what may be a spanish site so if you want any of these great lessons I would try to print or download any that look interesting to you.  Not really into all of his slide guitar lessons at this time, however there are many other lessons that are pretty good.  Many of them like Steve's pro tips that he did for a while.  See if this link works.   http://espanol.gibson.com/Lessons/Arlen-Roth-Lessons/Search.aspx

    Kind of worried if it is secure or not, (does't say https)

    Thanks for the tip, ShadowBoxer86! I've downloaded all 144 videos from the Spanish Gibson site. ?

  12. 1 hour ago, columbo said:

    YGG.. that was great made me and my wife laugh out loud .. How right you are!  

    Ha ha! You've got to be able to laugh at yourself now and then. Was listening to my playing and couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the neighbours. They're actually very nice people and I haven't received any complaints (yet).

    I finally nailed the fast version of Jingle Bells without any mistakes, and just in time for bed, too. I think I'm ready for session 3 now. Ooh, scary... ?

    • Like 1
  13. On 12/14/2018 at 1:11 AM, NeilES335 said:

    Right Diane; I bet there are a lot more...

    Yes, there's also me. ?

    I bought the original course before Gibson got involved. When was that? Around 2008 or 2009, I believe. Took a long break from it, mostly because my employer decided to give me assignments in other cities. Didn't want to bring my guitar with me. It's too precious to me, and I didn't want to risk damaging it while traveling. When I finally returned to my home city (in Norway, Scandinavia, by the way), I didn't get back into practicing the guitar, for many reasons.

    Well, in November this year, I finally came to my senses and brushed some dust of the course book and picked it off the shelf. I am currently on session 2, trying to remember the notes on the first and second strings. It's going well so far.

    It's funny; every day I think about the guitar and playing it. I really feel as if it's calling to me. In my heart I know that it is really my heart calling to the guitar; I really need this. It's as if I've been neglecting the artistic part of myself for all these years by not learning how to express myself through this magnificent and beautiful instrument.

    This time around, I'm confident that I'm going to be able to stick with it. Being inspired really helps, as well as having access to my guitar. ?

    • Like 6

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