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Posts posted by HYA

  1. On 5/2/2019 at 11:33 PM, matonanjin said:

    So @HYA, we haven't heard from you.  How are you doing with that B7 chord?  We need progress reports😉  Actually what prompted me to write this is I thought about this thread last night.  I was at my weekly jam and one of the guys said "Let's do 'Nights in White Satin'".   And, of course, guess what's in "Nights in White Satin"!  So you are going to encounter the B7 in the wild. 

    And giving this thread a little more consideration, you aren't to the Blues session, session 13, yet.  When you do, you're going to learn about the "blues progression" or the I-IV-V chord progression.  Even if blues isn't your first choice for music,  most modern music is based on this I-IV-V.  And one of the most popular, "guitar friendly" keys is the E.  @Wim VD1 touched on this above.  The 5 chord in E is B.  And the 7th chords are frequently used in blues, rock, country, etc. 

    For learning most chords, for me, it was getting the string to ring out that I was fretting.  But for me, with the B7, it was getting the strings next to where I was fretting to ring.  I don't know about you or anyone else but my problem, primarily, was the open B string, the second string.  My third finger on the G (3rd) string, the A note, kept muting the B string.  It just took a lot of practice and significant amounts of cursing.

    I hope you're making progress with the B7.  Let us know.

    Hi there...

    still struggling ... 

    I managed to play it clearly but it takes time to shape B7 chord. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Nutty1 said:

    Hello HYA,

    Yes! If you can play the exercises at the speed suggested in the bonus resources book then move on.

    I found an app called "note trainer" which helped me with my note reading a lot. I started out remembering with the mnemonic FACE for the notes in the spaces between the lines and Every Good Boy Does Fine for the notes on the lines. After a while of using the app I became able to name the notes just out of pure practice during any spare moments that I had.

    Keep on going you are doing great!

    Thank you,

    I'll try the app.

  3. 8 hours ago, tjmeyers said:

    I takes time and usage, my guitar teacher calls them "miles."

    Patience, practice and perseverance are key.

    You'll get there.

    Thank you, 


    6 hours ago, Eracer_Team-DougH said:

    If you have to pencil the note names in on the page if you're using a paper book.

    Once comfortable start erasing the notes.

    You'll find this helpful once the note is below the ledger lines

    Anyway, Is it okay if I proceed to the next session,even though I still have problem with it?

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