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Posts posted by ChrisJ032

  1. Hi all, I just picked up an Epiphone SG Pro and note the low E string and slightly on the A, has a buzzing sound on the first 3 frets and then clears up as I move down the neck. The guitar tech noticed  the neck was slightly bowed. I realize it’s not the most expensive guitar but I do not think there should be a buzz. Is this something that an be corrected with minor adjustment or have it replaced, since it is only couple weeks old? Other than that it plays real well and sound is really good considering the price point. Thanks in advance for your feedback. 🎸🎼🎸

  2. I wanted to ask, when posting a new topic, shouldn’t that come on the first page of the topic? For example posting a new topic to lessons, I would expect to see on first page, however it shows on page 2. In this regard, folks may not go to the next pages to see if there is a new post. Any feedback is welcomed. Thank you in advance. 🎸🎼🎸

  3. Thanks Neil and Diane for your comments. I will keep working on these exercises and will keep you posted on my progress. Hope this will also get my pinky to stretch away from my thumb as it always seems to go inward....at my tender age of 61... I figure may just take bit more time to get more flexibility...🎸🎼🎸 Thanks Chris 

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  4. Hi all, I am having issues with my ring finger and pinky when trying the moveable G2 chord.  I wanted to ask if there’s anything to recommend to get my fingers to stretch accordingly. This is the first chord up to this point inLMG where my fingers are just not that flexible. Any exercises or other tips...thanks for reading 🎸🎼🎸

  5. Hi all, I am having issues with my ring finger and pinky when trying the moveable G2 chord.  I wanted to ask if there’s anything to recommend to get my fingers to stretch accordingly. This is the first chord up to this point in LMG where my fingers are just not that flexible. Any exercises or other tips...thanks for reading 🎸🎼🎸

  6. As I am proceeding through LMG journey, I wanted to ask if the following starting frets are correct (first finger) when playing “around the pentatonic world”, on page 66:

    C minor - 8th fret

    D minor - 10th fret

    E minor - 12th fret

    F minor - 1st fret

    G minor - 3rd fret

    A minor - 5th fret

    Bb minor - 6th fret

    B minor - 7th fret 

    Thanks for any comments 🎼🎸🎼 

  7. As a serious beginner into the world of pedals and just starting lesson 11 and getting comfortable with the pentatonic forms. I thought it would be best to get a multi effects machine to start an understanding into the effects before investing into numerous individual pedals.....anyone using  Boss Me80? Also, is it easier in the beginning to get a tube amp with a effects board or model,er amp with effects board....so much more to learn and maybe not enough time as the decades seems to move quite quickly these days...appreciate any feedback 🎸😎🎼

  8. Thanks everyone for your feedback and not really hung up on the Katana50.....will certainly let everyone know how this winds up...think I will try to keep it simple at first without needing all these bells and whistles.....may peek ahead to LMG s15, currently will just be starting session 11......hope to complete the course sometime next year hopefully🎸🎼 I realize I still have lots to learn 😎

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