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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2022 in Posts

  1. Quick history lesson: back in the mid 90s I bought my first guitar, learned a few chords, and jammed with friends. A few years later I was never playing, sold my gear and had nothing from about 2006-2010, started learn and master in 2010 but only stuck with it off and on for about a year…I never really progressed, my plateau was low, I just kind of stayed at the same level. then in Jan 2021 I said “that’s it, time to play” and made it my mission to practice daily, every day, and stick with it. here I am 18 months later and I finally feel like I can call myself a “guitarist” and while I still have a whole world of material to learn, when I watch a tutorial, or see how a friend plays, I understand what is happening and can use that for myself. for me, a big hump has always been the opening solo in Metallica’s song One. Hammer ons, pulls offs, bends, sweeps, all over the fret board from 2nd fret to the 19th. I finally can play it! thanks for all the encouragement it’s a journey and dedicated practice.
    1 point
  2. In a nutshell, not very much if any.. The saddle material of an acoustic box has the greatest impact on its immediate sound. Truth be told, the bridge pin can be removed if the ball end tucks properly to the bridge-plate - meaning, if you look on the inside with a mirror and the ball is firmly anchored to the plate, you can pull the pin to judge for yourself if there is a difference. -Greg
    1 point
  3. I would not be worried about the blemish. The top will darken with age and it will only be noticeable to you. Yes, a nice looking guitar.
    1 point

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