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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2021 in Posts

  1. As a Boogie owner of some 30 years I am saddened by this news. Randall Smith has been an innovative leader of Mesa Boogie, not the same story as Gibson Brands.
    1 point
  2. Some would say, "What? Neil playing a pop song. Not Jazz? " Weil, yes. This one was a request from my dear wife, who is a big Bee Gee's fan. " How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" was the Gibb's first BIG hit in North America. It is the longest song I've recorded to date; over 3 minutes of continuous playing. I played both the rhythm and melody. The Bee Gees rarely performed the song the same way twice! This one is as close to a live performance as I could get, including what seems to be an extra bar on the last chorus. I used my ES335 direct to Reaper DAW, with very little effects added ( a touch of reverb, that's about it). I hope you enjoy it : - )) All the Best! Neil
    1 point

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