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Posts posted by dan0725

  1. My days are pretty flexible for the most part so in-between work stuff and long walks to stretch my legs, I am getting some playing in. I'm currently working on L&M sessions 5 & 6 since they both cover open chords. I'll do the same with sessions 7 & 8 (barre chords). I went back to the beginning of book and played all the songs just for something different. My nephew has a birthday in a few days and I've been learning "Happy Birthday" as part of my side project of learning the fret board. I've done that and the melody for "Nowhere Man" in fifth position. I'm sad that I was won't be play it for him in person, but hey, that's why we have Skype. 

    Edit -- The Ditto X2 Looper I ordered arrived today. Now the project is trying to figure out how to use it. I'll take a look at Steve's looper video but I've got to get an instruction book of some sort.

    Stay safe.


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  2. 22 hours ago, Dave White said:

    Very nice - love the maple and black!

    I was actually looking for blue or maybe orange, but I saw this one decided to go for it. Something about basic black.

    Thanks to everyone for the looper suggestions, so far. Looks like everyone is in agreement on the Ditto pedal. I will look into that this week. Lots of guitar playing ahead. I just purchased Steve's major scale workouts and started practicing with part one last night.

  3. 5 hours ago, matonanjin said:

    Congratulations on the new Tele, Dan!  Enjoy it a long time.  We are all looking forward to hearing something from it.

    That I hope will be happening fairly soon. I’ll have a lot of time to work on something while work is shut down. I’m also looking at a looper pedal in the near future. Anybody have any suggestions?

  4. A recording of Au Claire de la Lune duet from the Hal Leonard Complete Guitar Course. I used Logic Pro to combine all the guitar parts (chords and notes) as well as adding drums and percussion. The first guitar part notes were played in the open position and the second part in fifth position.

    Au Claire de la Lune.mp3

  5. I had a breakthrough of sorts last night...

    I was practicing Session 5 and as I was finishing up I started messing around in the Am Pentatonic scale. At some point, in effort to move up the neck, I wanted to learn this area.

    I was pleased to find that I was able to name the notes without looking and play a couple of songs (Ode to Joy and Yankee Doodle). I think it goes back to a YouTube video (who says you can't learn stuff on YouTube) I saw explaining how the guitar is tuned in 4ths (except the B string) and if you knew the notes at the 5th fret, the other notes are easier to figure out. I guess it just finally clicked in. I'm going to put this into my practice routine just so I really remember it. Psych!

    Learning Everything I Can


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  6. I’ve decided after two months or so of Session 4 I’m going to move on. I can play all the songs and exercises in the main book. The bonus resource exercises are more challenging and I can play most of them in time. The few I’m have trouble with I’ll use as warm ups. Sessions 5 and 6 should be easier since I’ve been strumming chords for a long time. I feel like it will be a good refresher on technique. Ready, set, go!


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  7. On 2/12/2020 at 12:42 PM, matonanjin said:

    There was some discussion yesterday in the chat regarding problems printing out the pdf for the lesson.  Some could print it.  Some could not.

    I realized too late that I fell into the latter category.  I still can't print it.  Did anyone that was having difficulty figure this out?

    Care to share how you resolved it?

    I used my printer at work to print out the pdf. I tossed it into a folder to bring home without looking at it and when I got home I found that none of the figures printed! I had to scramble while the lesson started to reprint on my home printer.


  8. 10 hours ago, NeilES335 said:

    @dan0725This happens to all of us from time to time so first of all, don't worry about it.  A days break from practice is good sometimes. We need to step back and refocus occassionally. Goals are great and necessary. You seem to have the Practice and Persistence  down... what you need now is Patience.You'll get it👍.

    Thanks for the reassurance. I really needed it. :) 

    • Like 1
  9. I’ve run into a real snag. Lots of misfires. I’m either fretting wrong notes, especially where second string D is involved. I’m also completely whiffing strings. It’s very frustrating. I’m slowing everything back down for awhile to try to straighten things out. I feel like a baseball player whose in a slump. I don’t know if trying to play to metronome has me messed up or maybe I need to take a break for a couple of days and try it again (I do play pretty much every night). Or maybe I get back on the horse. I was hoping to be done with session four before I leave for Mexico on the 1st. Not looking so good now.

  10. Session 4 Update:

    I've been able to play the session songs at 76 BPM. I can play the 5th and 6th string exercises at 60 BPM (working on consistency). 

    That's the good news.

    I've started working on the Bonus exercises and as I expected I'm running into some snags. Right now I'm on the 5th string bonus exercises and a few of them I can do at the correct BPM. The others, not so much. I've been using my metronome to try to get the timing down but I find playing the exercises really slow (40-50 BPM) is not any easier. What I thought of doing is trying to do the exercises one measure at a time. Get it where I can do it correctly and then add in the next measure and so on. Is this a valid way to do this, or should I try playing all the way through real slow until it clicks and then speed up?

    Thought? All advice is welcome. If you have something that worked for you, I'd like to hear about it.


  11. On 1/1/2020 at 9:09 AM, Cindy said:

    Hi Dan and Happy New Year!

    To answer your question, the two eighth notes (both C's) form beat 1. The eighth rest and the eighth note G form beat 2. The last two beats of a quarter note and two eight notes form beats 3 & 4. Once you start to play the note G, the rhythm changes to a syncopated rhythm which might be what's throwing you off. 

    The (4) should be moved slightly to the left though with a + beneath the last eighth rest. Does that help?

    Yes, Cindy it does. Thank you for the responses. More importantly, it makes sense :) .

    • Thanks 1
  12. I hope someone can help me with this...

    I’m starting to work on the Bonus exercises for the 5th and 6th strings. On page 33, exercise 4, the last measure has me confused. The way I read it is 1+ (2 is silent) + (3 is silent) 4 (+ is silent). Somehow this doesn’t seem to add up. I could just be interpreting it wrong but it seems that beat 3 should be quarter rest. Could someone give me the correct count?  Disregard the numbers on the image. This was my first attempt.



  13. Continuing to work on Session 4...

    Christmas music has been put away. Adding to the mix along with the main songs and exercises, Auld Lang Syne (key of G) and The Minstrel Boy (key of D). The Minstrel Boy is a very nice tune from Ireland. I first heard it as part of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode (“The Wounded”). You hear it sometimes played at funerals on bagpipes. I do have a question about it I’m hoping someone can help me with. It looks like in several measures there are ties but I thought ties connected notes of the same pitch. It is possible they are slurs but are not hammer-ons or pull-offs since the second notes are on adjacent strings. So what is it (picture enclosed)? Sorry for being so long winded. 


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