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Posts posted by Mouseslave

  1. I have really developed an interest in this company and specifically their Little Sister guitar.  They have a custom build from Israel and a more affordable version made in China.  I am not as concerned about the Chinese build as that neither build appears to have a truss rod in the neck.  I'm curious to hear what others have to say about that.

  2. On 2/25/2018 at 12:30 AM, IanD said:

    @Mouseslave I have a Les Paul, an ES335 and a strat. The LP and 335 are beautiful and I enjoy picking them up and playing them, but they always feel like I'm playing someone else's guitar. The Strat somehow just feels and sounds like it's mine and is so comfortable to hold and play.

    I think the key is trying to find a guitar that feels like it's yours, no matter what the brand.

    I agree 100%.

  3. It's interesting that the responses on this thread are primarily talking about acoustics and few Fender fans.  It may be that acoustic players are more outgoing and electric players could be introverts.  Not trying to offend anyone, just curious.

    For my 2 cents, I will wave the fender flag. I have a tele that gets 80% of my attention or more.  My other two guitars are a les paul studio (my first) and a Larrivee dreadnaught.  Don't get me wrong, I like both the Larrivee and the Gibson but when I start playing them I usually end up with the Telecaster.

    I have wanted an ES-335 for a long time but had a chance to play around on a new Strat american professional and like it a bunch.  With that being said every guitar I own started out to be a strat search and I have always ended up with something else. I need to start a song called the"fickler side of me".

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