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Posts posted by Cindy

  1. Also to answer your earlier question on the slur, as Diane mentioned, yes it is a slur. It means you articulate the first note while the second note is played very smoothly - as though the 2 notes are joined together smoothly.

    I don't think Steve covers much of any articulation. Music contains markings on how to articulate notes. In addition to the legato slur markings, some articulations might be staccato (a small dot above a note meaning the note is quick and detached) or accented notes (might be an upside down V or a sideways V). 

  2. Hi Dan and Happy New Year!

    To answer your question, the two eighth notes (both C's) form beat 1. The eighth rest and the eighth note G form beat 2. The last two beats of a quarter note and two eight notes form beats 3 & 4. Once you start to play the note G, the rhythm changes to a syncopated rhythm which might be what's throwing you off. 

    The (4) should be moved slightly to the left though with a + beneath the last eighth rest. Does that help?

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/27/2019 at 10:14 AM, matonanjin said:

    @Cindy, I won't pretend to know what happened to those posts.  Maybe there was a protocol in place that deleted posts from the Beta period.  I don't remember hearing of such policy.  I have several items to discuss with @Steve Krenz and I'll bring this up.  We plan to chat after the 1st. 

    I hope this won't deter you from becoming active here again.  Your input is valued especially, as others have mentioned, your knowledge about theory.  That's an area I need a LOT of help with.

    Thanks kindly. 

  4. 4 hours ago, matonanjin said:

    You were so very active at the old site and are a valuable resource, especially when it comes to theory.  Ask Doug said, " too bad Cindy doesn't hang around any more, she had theory mastered".  When I saw these posts this week, I thought to myself that I was hopeful that you would become active again.  And I hope that you do.

    I was VERY active here at the beginning since I was a Beta tester. I kept watch of the leader board but couldn't pass Doug's high post count! Maybe some of the beta test posts were deleted? All I know is I was WELL beyond the 140ish mark within those first few months.

  5. On 3/3/2019 at 10:13 PM, Cindy said:

    A perfect interval remains a perfect interval when inverted. So a perfect 4th becomes a perfect 5th when inverted and vice versa. The unison intervals are called perfect primes and octave intervals are perfect octaves.

    I should have elaborated a little more on this. When a diminished interval is inverted, it becomes augmented. And when an augmented interval is inverted, it becomes diminished. And it's the same way with major and minor intervals. A major interval becomes minor when inverted and vice versa. But a perfect interval when inverted remains a perfect interval.

  6. On 11/17/2019 at 7:14 AM, Eracer_Team-DougH said:

    ....too bad Cindy doesn't hang around any more, she had theory mastered

    All I will say is I'm not a big fan of censorship when it isn't warranted. I used to have a much higher post count here than the 140ish listed so I don't know where many of my posts/responses went. But to have content deleted and not be notified isn't sitting well with me. I always tried to give detailed music theory info, but now I have no idea how much of that might have been removed. The previous forums weren't run this way. 

    While I have your attention, Doug, I will wish you a Merry Christmas. Take care.

  7. In my signature is the link for Mike M's file sharing site. LMG members have used this site for years to share a variety of knowledge (practice files, etc). According to Yahoo, they are discontinuing the groups so all the files will be removed. If you haven't saved these files and still want them, please download them by January 31st, 2020. That's supposed to be the cutoff date to access the group.

    If you aren't a member of this Yahoo group, please make a Yahoo account. Mike M is no longer with us, but I am a moderator there and will approve new members. When requesting to join, please mention you are an LMG member - that's so we don't get any spammers over there.

    Thanks. Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday filled with love and laughter - and guitars!

    • Thanks 3
  8. 7 hours ago, K9kaos said:

    All great advice above! 

    What works for me when I get 'stuck' on a song or an exercise, is to slow it down - way, way, way, down. 

    Then It seems I find the places that are an issue. It may be a measure here, or a measure there, that are just stressing my brain and fingers just enough to affect the performance. 

    If I find any spots like that I isolate them and practice them very slowly, concentrating on the actual mechanics of my fingers and the pick getting where they need to go.  

    Once I have ruled out trouble spots, gradually increasing the speed of the metronome seems to do the trick. Once I get to a speed where I'm starting to make mistakes or it doesn't feel fluid, I go back to the last one that was great. I never leave it at the mistake. I go back and play a few bpm slower and play it well to solidify that in my brain and muscle memory. 

    Adding in recording is a whole different challenge! Seems like as soon as the 'record' button is hit things go crazy! But it does let you really hear where some of the challenging spots are, things you really don't hear when you are playing! Its really good to get used to this early on! :) 

    Session 4 is a challenging session, so take your time! You are doing very well at only a few weeks in and already up to the faster jam-along tracks! :) 



    This is how to practice. Is there a consistent place in the song where you encounter problems, or do you run into problems at different places when playing the songs through repeatedly? Isolate a problem. Switch between 2 or 3 chords to iron out any inconsistencies. Then add in a few beats before the problem area as well as a few beats after the problem area and play through this slightly longer snippet. Then start a couple measures ahead of the problem area, play through the problem area, and continue to play a couple measures after the problem area. Once you can play through those measures, try expanding to a larger section of the song. Do that a few times before running through the entire piece. 

    And like Barbara mentioned, Session 4 is a biggie! In the past, Steve has mentioned maybe he should have broken it down into 2 different sessions. It's definitely one of the major sessions in LMG. 

    • Like 2
  9. A perfect interval remains a perfect interval when inverted. So a perfect 4th becomes a perfect 5th when inverted and vice versa. The unison intervals are called perfect primes and octave intervals are perfect octaves.

    • Like 3
  10. 3 hours ago, AcousticM said:

    Cindy are the songs going to be posted here in the forum for all to listen? 

    Yes, the songs will be posted on SoundCloud and linked here after Steve has a chance to listen to them. He's been very busy so let's give him a few days. 

  11. On 5/4/2018 at 7:31 PM, NeilES335 said:

    Hi Cindy; If I can ever figure out how to use Reaper DAW, I might participate in one of you recordings in the future... (if you'll have me..) 

    Regards Neil

    That would be terrific, Neil!

  12. 6 hours ago, gotto said:

    Thanks again Cindy for putting this all together. So nice that you connected again with all of us on and took up again running point on these rewarding projects. Best wishes....looking forward to hearing the contributions.


    According to the tracking, Steve should receive the CD tomorrow. Hopefully he will have a chance to listen to it over the weekend. 

  13. Yesterday I mailed the CD to Steve. The estimated date of arrival will be Saturday. Thank you to those who submitted songs! Once he receives it and has a chance to listen to it, I will post the songs on SoundCloud. Thanks again! 

    • Thanks 1
  14. 15 hours ago, Eracer_Team-DougH said:

    Sadly I'm not finished,  guess I'll try for the birthday CD in July.

    I ran into a glitch when I burned the CD and need to burn another. I will extend this through Sunday so anyone else who wants to submit a song, please feel free to send your mp3 files to: 

    Gathering mp3 at comcast dot net 

    Thanks! :x

    • Like 1
  15. 10 hours ago, K9kaos said:

    Yes! This is my 'free craigslist piano desk' - it was headed to the dump if we didn't get it. I could never destroy a working instrument, so this was perfect for my project. Some parts had to be replaced (sides, bottom), and added the glass top. Getting all the strings off and the harp out was... interesting, lol! Probably $200 investment paint and all. 

    As far as the picks go... I like the bluechip better than the Ultex - it definitely has a 'tackier' feel to it. But, they are pricy.... :)


    What a great idea with the desk! Love it! :x Will keep in mind the Blue Chip have some tackiness to them. I wasn't aware of that. I wish I could find a local store that carries them. Thanks for all the info!

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