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Posts posted by zeve

  1. Hello. Thank you for the advice. I'll keep practicing. There are moments when it seems I can form the 2 chords more easily but making the transition between them... That's another thing.

    Anyway, I've seen that in these session Steve introduces the Staff notation. How to read a Staff and the notes on it. I'm only interested in learning to play the guitar for myself and my family, in a, let's say, good way. Not necessary perfect. I will try to play as good as I can but I'm not interested in playing in a band, on a concert or stuff like that. Having said that, I'm thinking that I can skip learning how to read a Staff and just learn how to read a guitar tablature and chord blocks so that I can later download songs online and learn them. What do you think? Am I going to have problems with other stuff down the road if I skip learning the musical notation and how to read a Staff?

    Thank you

  2. Hello everybody. I am new on the forum.
    I am on session 2 on the course. And I'm having 2 small problems.

    1. I cannot stretch the fingers so that each finger covers its fret. So, for example, let's say I play 2 notes on one string (does not matter what string). The first note pressing down on the first fret and the second note on the forth fret. After I play the first note by using the first finger, then, in order to play the second note, I lift the first finger, I make a small movement with the hand, and then I press down with the forth finger. That is because I cannot have both fingers above the corresponding frets at the same time and then to just lift one finger and press with the other. Is this ok or should I somehow try to stretch the finger so that each covers its own fret? Because I don't know if I'll be able to do that.

    2. I'm having difficulties with the chords C and G7. I do not know why these where the first chords that are thought in the lessons because I think they are kind of hard. Especially for a beginner. I can form the chords correctly. But it takes a while and I do need to look a bit on the guitar to make sure I press on the correct strings. But no way I can use my finger tips for all fingers. Especially on the G7 chord. I kind of use the side of my finger tips because I have the fingers rotated a bit (they are not perpendicular on the guitar neck). How did you learn this chords? Also, in order to go to the next session we should be able to play the songs using this 2 chords on 90 beats per minute. I don't thing I'll be able to transition between this 2 chords this fast any time soon. Right now when I switch between the chords most times I position the fingers on the correct strings but then I kind of go and readjust each finger so that it does not touch other strings. So it takes a while to go from one chord to the other. Any advice?

    Thank you

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