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Posts posted by JeyGabz

  1. Hey all, after nearly 30 years of playing I have finally decided that I want to learn chicken pickin :)

    Boy, it has got to be one of the hardest things I’ve tried to learn in so many years...I almost feel like I’m starting all over again, haha.
    What I’ve learned so far is that a lot of the ‘formal’ techniques that I have used are basically worthless when it comes to chicken pickin, so I need to learn to change my habits a bit and become more diverse and comfortable with other styles and techniques.

    Anyways, I have been checking out some online courses for chicken pickin and I’ve even purchased some of the Johnny Hiland instructional videos...but the one thing that’s seems to be missing is really good useful exercises. Most of the instructional videos I’ve watched tend to teach you specific licks from songs and might touch a little on the techniques, but there aren’t any decent exercises that just teach you specific techniques that you can apply when learning. I like to learn by taking practical exercises and repeating them hundreds of times, then I might try and learn parts of a song or the entire song once I have a bit of a handle on the techniques I’ve been working on.

    Can anyone in here share any good/practical exercises for chicken pickin?
    I’m struggling with ghost notes, timing, speed, and fingering...so basically everything!

  2. Been trying to find some good source materials to learn chicken pickin...

    Do any of you have any suggestions about what sort of things I should be practicing?

    As of now I am pretty terrible at using ghost notes and actually making them fit into the notes I am trying to play.

    Are there any good chicken pickin exercises that you guys can recommend...maybe stuff to help improve timing and ghost note applications ands speed?

    I have some online courses with Johnny Hiland that are decent, but they teach you more about playing his song and less about the techniques he is using and there are no exercises that actually help.

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